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Thursday, July 29, 2021

6:13 AM

  30-day seminar (Christ For All People Church- Mbeya).


             Day 14 of the seminar.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Praise the Lord Jesus son of God let us continue with today's seminar.


Genesis 1: 26-27; 5: 1-2

May I introduce you a little into the seminar of this gate of spiritual creation.


In today's and tomorrow's seminar I want to teach you how you can pray for your creation gate or the creation gates for your children or your parents or siblings before God every day. Because many of you do not pray for the gate of your creation due to lack of spiritual knowledge but through this seminar gives you the insight you will have before God in your prayers.


(1) Pray to God for your life on earth.

1 John 1: 8-10 Ephesians 4:27 Romans 3:23

You need to pray for repentance before God for the life you are living on earth if you need God's help at your creation gate also if you are praying for someone else at His creation gate make sure you ask for repentance before God for him. Remember that sin is what gave the devil the legitimacy to hold your gate of creation or the gate of creation of the one you are praying for and that is why you must begin with a prayer of repentance before God.


(2) Break the spirits of your birth nature that are at work in your gate of creation .

Ezekiel 16: 1-4 John 10:36; 16:21 Ecclesiastes 4:14

🔴 Among the spirits that have caused people to be unable to live their God-ordained life at the time of their creation are the natural spirits of their birth have been standing against the lives of many people spiritually, so you should enter into prayer to break the natural spirits of your birth where they work in your gate of spiritual creation.

The history of most people's births is not very good from the time they were conceived and the nine months they lived in their mothers' wombs and their births and the things they did after birth there are many superstitious and customary circumstances created thus giving legitimacy to various dark spirits and rule over them and guide their spiritual lives and thus find in the physical world they suffer and struggle in daily life and this does not please the heart of God.

🔶 I ask you to make a powerful prayer to break the natural spirits of your birth that work at your gate of creation also break those natural spirits in the lives of your children and your parents and siblings working in their gate of creation. Make sure you open your life too which was bound by the natural spirits of your birth in the name of Jesus Christ and the great results you will see in your daily life here on earth.

✔️ For today our seminar ends here make sure you work prayerfully this lesson until tomorrow we will meet where I will show you some steps to pray for your gate of creation before God. Please help me to apply this lesson to others so that they can receive this Understanding of God's Word and not continue to live a life of suffering in their lives.

By contacting me you will find me at these numbers, you can also use these numbers to thank God for your Offerings in this altar of His service.

Vodacom M-PESA +255 765 867574 (WhatsApp).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785

Tigo Pesa +255 673 784197

By Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

           Samuel Kibiriti.

May 28, 2021

@ Kibiriti2021

Let's meet at tomorrow's seminar and make sure you serve God in your life with all your strength.

6:09 AM

 Semina ya siku 30 ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


             Day 14 ya semina.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Bwana Yesu asifiwe mwana wa Mungu karibu tuendelee na semina ya siku ya leo.


Mwanzo 1:26-27; 5:1-2

Naomba nikuingize ndani kidogo katika semina ya lango hili la uumbaji kiroho.


Katika semina ya siku ya leo na siku ya kesho nataka nikufundishe jinsi gani unaweza kuombea lango lako la uumbaji au malango ya uumbaji ya watoto wako au wazazi wako au ndugu zako mbele za Mungu kila siku. Kwasababu wengi wenu hamuombei lango la uumbaji wenu kutokana na kutokuwa na maarifa ya kiroho lakini kupitia semina hii inakupatia ufahamu utakaokaa nao mbele za Mungu kwa maombi yako.


( 1 ) Omba toba kwa Mungu kwaajili ya maisha yako unayoishi hapa duniani.

1Yohana 1:8-10 Waefeso 4:27 Warumi 3:23

🟤 Unahitajika kuomba toba mbele za Mungu kwaajili ya maisha yako unayoishi hapa duniani kama unahitaji msaada wake Mungu kwenye lango lako la uumbaji pia kama unamuombea mtu mwingine kwenye lango lake la uumbaji hakikisha unaomba toba mbele za Mungu kwaajili yake. Kumbuka dhambi ndio iliyompatia shetani uhalali wa kushikilia lango lako la uumbaji au lango la uumbaji la huyo unayemuombea ndio maana lazima uanze na maombi ya toba mbele za Mungu.


( 2 ) Vunja roho za asili ya kuzaliwa kwako ambazo zinatenda kazi katika lango lako la uumbaji.

Ezekieli 16:1-4 Yohana 10:36; 16:21 Mhubiri 4:14

🔴 Kati ya roho ambazo zimesababisha kuwazuia watu wasiweze kuishi maisha yao waliyopangiwa na Mungu wakati wa kuumbwa kwao ni roho za asili ya kuzaliwa kwao zimekuwa zikisimama kinyume na maisha ya watu wengi kiroho, hivyo unatakiwa kuingia kwenye maombi ya kuvunja roho za asili ya kuzaliwa kwako ambapo zinafanya kazi katika lango lako la uumbaji kiroho.

Historia za kuzaliwa kwa watu wengi sio nzuri kabisa kutokea kutungwa kwao mimba na miezi tisa waliyokaa tumboni mwa mama zao na kuzaliwa kwao na vitu walivyofanyiwa baada ya kuzaliwa kuna mazingira mengi ya kishirikina na kimila yamefanyika hivyo kutoa uhalali kwa roho mbalimbali za giza kupata nafasi ya kuwashikilia na kuwatawala na kuongoza maisha yao rohoni na hivyo kukuta katika ulimwengu wa mwili wanateseka na kuhangaika kimaisha kila siku na jambo hili haliufurahishi moyo wa Mungu.

🔶 Nakuomba fanya maombi ya nguvu ya kuvunja roho za asili ya kuzaliwa kwako ambazo zinafanya kazi kwenye lango lako la uumbaji pia vunja hizo roho za asili katika maisha ya watoto wako na wazazi wako na ndugu zako zinazofanya kazi katika lango lao la uumbaji. Hakikisha unayafungua maisha yako pia yaliyokuwa yamefungwa na roho za asili ya kuzaliwa kwako kwa jina la Yesu Kristo na matokeo makubwa utayaona kwenye maisha yako ya kila siku hapa duniani.

✔️ Kwa leo semina yetu inaishia hapa hakikisha unafanyia kazi kwa maombi somo hili mpaka siki ya kesho tutakapokutana ambapo nitakuonyesha hatua nyingine za kuombea lango lako la uumbaji mbele za Mungu. Naomba unisaidie kuwatumia wengine somo hili ili wapokee Ufahamu huu wa Neno la Mungu na wasiendelee kuishi kwa mateso katika maisha yao.

Kwa mawasiliano nami utanipata kwa namba hizi, pia unaweza kutumia hizi namba kumshukuru Mungu kwa Sadaka zako katika hii madhabahu ya utumishi wake.

Vodacom M-PESA +255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785

Tigo Pesa +255 673 784197

Kwa Email address ni

Mimi ni Mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa

           Samwel Kibiriti.

Mei 28, 2021


Tukutane katika semina ya siku ya kesho hakikisha unamtumikia Mungu katika maisha yako kwa nguvu zako zote.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

11:50 PM

  30-day seminar (Christ For All People Church- Mbeya).


           Day 13 of the seminar.

Teacher Samuel Kibiriti.

Christ Jesus be praised son of God almost in today's seminar. Having finished learning about dealing with the gate of the soul I believe that you have received much knowledge and prayed for your soul, today I ask you to take me to another spiritual gate that you need to pray for.


Genesis 1: 26-27; 5: 1-2

🔶 In the spirit world there is a gate of creation that carries your life that you live here on earth every day. Many people do not have the spiritual awareness of their gate of creation and thus fail to pray daily to pray for their gates of creation and thus cause the devil and the powers of darkness to hold their gates of creation and use them to torment them in their lives and live difficult lives. very contrary to God's plan to create them and bring them into the world.


There are so many spiritual reasons why the devil will fight you at your gate of creation or fight your children, your parents, your siblings, or your spouse in their gate of creation, now as a teacher of God's Word of knowledge I ask you to keep me in your heart a few reasons here to realize the seriousness and importance of praying for your gate of creation or praying for the gates of creation for the people who are around you every day before God.


(1) The gate of creation carries your purpose for God's creation .

Genesis 1:27 Romans 9:11 Proverbs 16: 4 Acts 13:36 Isaiah 46:10

Your gate of creation is the one that carries your purpose of being created by God so the devil is fighting against you in your gate of creation so that you cannot live on earth within your purpose of creation and millions of human beings on earth do not know why God created them and thus fail to recognize their purpose of creation and to find themselves living a life outside of the purpose of their creation.

If Satan and the powers of darkness succeed in holding your gate of creation you will be their captive even if you do not want to because they will not allow you to live within your God-created purpose and also when you try to find your purpose they will attack and fight you hard. Remember there are very serious consequences for you living outside of your God-created purpose because your purpose is what carries your life and the perfect plan of God to create you and bring you into this world so living outside of your purpose is a very great suffering.

❌ Isn't the gate of your creation closed and blocked by the devil and the powers of darkness there so that you cannot live within your purpose of being created by God? You need a lot of prayer help before God to open your gate of creation as well as to open your purpose so that you can live within the purpose and live your real life that God has planned for you in your creation purpose.


(2) The gate of creation carries with me the standards of life that God wanted me to live .

Psalm 37: 7 3 John 1: 2 Psalm 1: 3 Genesis 26:13 Ephesians 1: 3-4

Your gate of creation carries with you the standards of life that God who created you intended to be able to live that life, and if the devil wants to cling to you you cannot live your God-ordained life and reach those standards of life where he fights you spiritually. That is why today so many people live a life that is not theirs and they are also below their standard of living because they are barred there at the gate of creation from being able to live their lives according to the standards of God who created them.

❌ Are you in your life not barred from your gate of creation from being able to live up to the standards God intended for you in life? You need to get more spiritual help at that gate. Make sure you make a prayer for your creation gate and open your life there through the blood of Jesus Christ.


(3) The gate of creation carries with it the kind of work I am supposed to do in my life here on earth .

Psalm 33: 13-15; 104: 23

🔵 In your life here on earth God has not brought you to do all the work you see or do with the people around you. But millions of people, even you, are out of the special work of creation that they are doing here on earth.

When your gate of creation is being held by the devil spiritually among other things he will do to you is to make sure that in your life here on earth you live by doing the work that took you out of heaven to God but he will let you work out of your creative purpose. here on earth. With all the work you do I want you to realize that there is a special work that God wants you to do in your own strength and most of your time because that is what made you come here on earth by God.

❌ Is the work you are doing here on earth the special work that God has brought you to do in your life? You need to get spiritual help before God asks Him to speak to you and show you the work He has sent you to do on earth. There are also people locked in the gate of creation so that they do not do the work that brought them here on earth, make sure you pray before God.


(4) The gate of creation carries with it the Authority you are to walk with in your life here on earth .

Matthew 28:18 Daniel 7:12

Your gate of creation also carries the authority of your life that you must walk with on earth in the call of God who brought you to earth so that you can serve it because there are many earthly and spiritual circumstances that will fight against you and prevent you from fulfilling your calling. special.

But many people have been deprived of their authority or some have been imprisoned for failing to exercise their authority and those things have been done at their gate of creation. So you should go into prayer and ask God at your gate of creation and ask God to restore your creative power for your life here on earth.

➡️ Today we end here in our seminar, I ask you to work on today's lesson and enter into prayer. In my book PRAYER TO DEDICATION TO GOD SPIRITUAL GATES THAT AFFECT YOUR LIFE I have described the gate of handicrafts where I taught the effects of working that God has not sent you to do here on earth. Also in my book of THINGS CARRIED INTO YOUR GOD'S CREATION PURPOSE I have explained many things that are within your God-created purpose, make sure you find your copy of these books and other books I have already written that contain God's great Knowledge of the Word of God.

To contact me and offer your offerings at God's altar use these numbers:

Vodacom M-pesa +255 765 867574 (WhatsApp).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785

Tigo Pesa +255 673 784197

Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

            Samuel Kibiriti .

May 27, 2021

@ Kibiriti2021

Your life here on earth will be very rewarding if you trust and trust God in everything you do in your life.

11:39 PM

 Semina ya siku 30 ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


           Day 13 ya semina.

Mwalimu Samwel Kibiriti.

Kristo Yesu asifiwe mwana wa Mungu karibu katika semina ya siku ya leo. Baada ya kumaliza kujifunza kuhusu kushughulikia lango la nafsi naamini kwamba umepokea maarifa mengi na kuombea nafsi yako, leo naomba nikupeleke katika lango lingine la kiroho unalotakiwa kuliombea.


Mwanzo 1:26-27; 5:1-2

🔶 Katika ulimwengu wa roho kuna lango la uumbaji ambalo limebeba maisha yako unayoishi hapa duniani ya kila siku. Watu wengi hawana ufahamu wa kiroho kuhusu lango lao la uumbaji na hivyo kushindwa kufanya maombi kila siku kuombea malango yao ya uumbaji na hivyo kusababisha shetani na nguvu za giza kushikilia malango yao ya uumbaji na kuyatumia kuwatesa katika maisha yao na kuishi maisha magumu ya shida na taabu sana kinyume na mpango wa Mungu kuwaumba na kuwaleta hapa duniani.


Kuna sababu nyingi sana za kiroho zinazomfanya shetani apambane na wewe katika lango lako la uumbaji au apambane na watoto wako, wazazi wako, ndugu zako, au mke/mume wako katika lango lao la uumbaji, sasa nikiwa mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la maarifa naomba nikuwekeee ndani ya moyo wako sababu chache hapa ili utambue uzito na umuhimu wa kuombea lango lako la uumbaji au kuombea malango ya uumbaji ya watu wanaokuhusu kila siku mbele za Mungu.


( 1 ) Lango la uumbaji limebeba Kusudi lako la kuumbwa na Mungu.

Mwanzo 1:27 Warumi 9:11 Mithali 16:4 Matendo 13:36 Isaya 46:10

Lango lako la uumbaji ndilo limebeba kusudi lako la kuumbwa na Mungu hivyo shetani anapambana nawe katika lango lako la uumbaji ili usiweze kuishi hapa duniani ndani ya kusudi lako la kuumbwa na Mungu na mamilion ya wanadamu wengi waliopo hapa duniani hawajui kwanini Mungu aliwaumba na hivyo kushindwa kutambua kusudi lao la kuumbwa na kujikuta wanaishi maisha yaliyo nje ya kusudi la uumbaji wao.

Shetani na nguvu za giza wakifanikiwa kushikilia lango lako la uumbaji wewe utakuwa mateka wao hata kama hutaki kwasababu hawatakuruhusu uweze kuishi ndani ya kusudi lako la kuumbwa na Mungu na pia utakapojaribu kutafuta kusudi lako watakushambulia na kupambana na wewe sana. Kumbuka kuna madhara makubwa sana ya wewe kuishi nje ya kusudi lako la kuumbwa na Mungu kwasababu kusudi lako ndilo limebeba maisha yako na ule mkakati kamili wa Mungu kukuumba na kukuleta hapa duniani hivyo ukiishi nje ya kusudi lako ni mateso makubwa sana sana.

❌ Je katika lango lako la uumbaji hujabanwa na kuzuiliwa na shetani na nguvu za giza hapo ili usiweze kuishi ndani ya kusudi lako la kuumbwa na Mungu? Unahitaji msaada mkubwa wa maombi mbele za Mungu kufunguliwa kwa lango lako la uumbaji pia kufunguliwa kwa kusudi lako ili uweze kuishi ndani ya kusudi na kuyaishi maisha yako halisi ambayo Mungu amekupangia ndani ya kusudi lako la uumbaji.


( 2 ) Lango la uumbaji  limebeba viwango vyangu vya maisha niliyotakiwa na Mungu niyaishi.

Zaburi 37:7  3Yohana 1:2  Zaburi 1:3  Mwanzo 26:13 Waefeso 1:3-4

Lango lako la uumbaji limebeba viwango vyako vya maisha ambayo Mungu aliyekuumba alikukusudia kuweza kuyaishi hayo maisha, na shetani akitaka kukubana usiweze kuishi maisha yako uliyopangiwa na Mungu na kufikia vile viwango vya maisha mahali anapopambana nawe kiroho ni katika lango lako la uumbaji hapo ndipo vita inapovhezwa. Ndio maana leo watu wengi sana wanaishi maisha yasiyokuwa yao pia wako chini ya viwango vya maisha yao kwasababu wamezuiliwa hapo kwenye lango la uumbaji wasiweze kuyaishi maisha yao kwenye viwango vya Mungu aliyewaumba.

❌ Je wewe katika maisha yako hujazuiliwa kwenye lango lako la uumbaji usiweze kuishi katika viwango vya Mungu alivyokupangia kimaisha? Unahitajika kupata msaada zaidi wa kiroho kwenye hilo lango hakikisha unafanya maombi ya kuombea lango lako la uumbaji na kuyafungua maisha yako hapo kwa damu ya Yesu Kristo.


( 3 ) Lango la uumbaji limebeba aina ya kazi ninayotakiwa kuifanya katika maisha yangu hapa duniani.

Zaburi 33:13-15; 104:23

🔵 Katika maisha yako hapa duniani Mungu hajakuleta ufanye kila aina ya kazi unayoiona au inayofanywa na watu wanaokuzunguka nataka ujitambue kwamba Mungu kila mtu aliyemuumba na kumleta hapa duniani kuna kazi maalum ambayo amemuandalia na kumkusudia kila mtu kuifanya kwaajili ufalme wake hapa duniani. Lakini mamilion ya wanadamu hata wewe wako nje ya kazi maalum ya uumbaji wao wanazofanya hapa duniani wengi hufanya kazi ambazo sio zile zilizomfanya Mungu amewaumba na kuwaleta hapa duniani wazifanye kila siku.

Lango lako la uumbaji linaposhikiliwa na shetani kiroho kati ya jambo lingine atakalokufanyia ni kuhakikisha kwamba kwenye maisha yako hapa duniani huishi kwa kuifanya kazi ile iliyokutoa mbinguni kwa Mungu bali atakuacha ufanye kazi nje ya kusudi lako la uumbaji pia atapambana nawe usitambue kabisa kazi uliyotumwa na Mungu kuifanya hapa duniani. Pamoja na kazi mbalimbali unazofanya nataka ujitambue kwamba kuna kazi maalum ambayo Mungu anakutaka hiyo uifanye kwa nguvu zako na muda wako mwingi kwasababu ndio iliyokufanya umeletwa hapa duniani na Mungu.

❌ Je wewe kazi unayoifanya hapa duniani ndio kazi maalum ambayo Mungu amekuleta uifanye kwenye maisha yako? Unahitajika kupata msaada wa kiroho mbele za Mungu kumuomba ili akusemeshe na kukuonyesha kazi aliyokutuma hapa duniani uweze kuifanya. Pia kuna watu wamefungwa katika lango la uumbaji ili wasifanye kazi ile iliyowaleta hapa duniani, hakikisha unaomba mbele za Mungu.


( 4 ) Lango la uumbaji limebeba Mamlaka unayotakiwa kutembea nayo katika maisha yako hapa duniani.

Mathayo 28:18 Danieli 7:12

Lango lako la uumbaji pia limebeba mamlaka ya maisha yako unayotakiwa kutembea nayo hapa duniani katika ule wito wa Mungu aliokuleta hapa duniani ili uweze kuutumikia kwasababu kuna mazingira mengi hapa duniani naya kiroho ambayo yatapambana nawe na kukuzuia usiweze kutimiza wito wako ndio maana Mungu alipokuumba akakubebesha mamlaka yako maalum.

Lakini watu wengi wamepokonywa mamlaka zao au wengine wamefungwa wasiweze kutumia mamlaka zao na mambo hayo yamefanyika kwenye lango lao la uumbaji. Hivyo unatakiwa kuingia kwenye maombi na kumuomba Mungu katika lango lako la uumbaji na kumuomba Mungu akurejeshee mamlaka yako ya uumbaji kwaajili ya maisha yako hapa duniani.

➡️ Kwa leo tunaishia hapa kwenye semina yetu, nakuomba fanyia kazi somo la leo na kuingia kwenye maombi. Katika kitabu changu cha MAOMBI YA KUWEKA WAKFU KWA MUNGU MALANGO YA KIROHO YANAYOGUSA MAISHA YAKO nimeeleza lango la kazi za mikono ambapo nilifundisha madhara ya kufanya kazi ambayo sio Mungu amekutuma kuifanya hapa duniani. Pia kwenye kitabu changu cha VITU VILIVYOBEBWA NDANI YA KUSUDI LAKO LA KUUMBWA NA MUNGU nimeeleza kuhusu mambo mengi yaliyomo ndani ya kusudi lako la kuumbwa na Mungu, hakikisha kwamba unapata Nakala yako ya vitabu hivi na vitabu vingine nilivyokwisha kuandika ambavyo vimebeba Maarifa makubwa ya Mungu ya Neno la Mungu.

Kwa mawasiliano nami na kutoa sadaka zako kwenye madhabahu ya Mungu tumia namba hizi:

Vodacom M-pesa +255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785

Tigo Pesa +255 673 784197

Kwa Email address ni

Mimi ni Mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa

            Samwel Kibiriti.

Mei 27, 2021


Maisha yako hapa duniani yatakuwa ya faida kubwa sana kama utamwamini na kumtegemea Mungu katika kila jambo unalofanya kwenye maisha yako.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

1:22 PM

 30-day seminar (Christ For All People Church- Mbeya).


          Day 12 of the seminar.

By Master Samuel Kibiriti.

Praise Jesus Christ sons of God soon in today's seminar, we continue with the gate of the Soul let's go together today again.


After I finished teaching you about the Cause of War in your soul and yesterday I taught you about Why is your soul being attacked in the realm of the mind? I believe you have gained knowledge there and I ask you today to see another area about your Soul that you need to address.


Proverbs 18: 7 Exodus 34:12 Psalm 124: 7 Jeremiah 50:24 2 Timothy 2:26

Today in the seminar I need to talk to you about the traps that caught your soul and the souls of your children, your parents and siblings, I want you to understand that there are spiritual traps that can catch human souls and so many souls fail to work as God created them because they are held on traps and many have not broken those traps and opened their souls.


Let me show you some traps that may have caught your soul or your souls to make sure you enter into a spiritual prayer to break those traps in the soul and open them so that they can be free and ask God for your soul to return to its original function as created by God.


( 1 ) My soul may be caught in the snare of the oath ( s ) .

Numbers 30: 2,9

🔵 This is a trap that has taken the souls of many people spiritually and caused them to be in bondage and suffering. Oaths that you have made in life or or that have taken place in the life of your family and descendants if you have not dealt with them and broken them are that they have taken your soul and bound it, because the Bible says an oath binds the soul. And many people every day enter into vows of words and blood and sacrifices without knowing the consequences but injecting themselves into the suffering that is evident in their daily lives.

❌Is not your soul bound by oaths? Are not the souls of your children bound by oaths? Are the souls of your parents and your wife or your husband or your brothers not bound by oaths? Make sure you get the spiritual help to open your soul to all the oaths that have bound your soul or soul whether it be verbal vows or oaths involving blood or sacrifice prayers are needed to help the soul and open it to live your good life.


( 2 ) My soul is caught in the snare of the words of my mouth.

Proverbs 6: 2; 16:26; 13: 3

🔴 The words of your mouth that you speak every day or that you have spoken may have trapped your soul in that trap of words and many of their souls are trapped here because there are words they speak thoughtlessly that lead their souls into a spiritual trap. The Bible says you are bound by the words of your mouth, what kind of words did you speak and were used to bind your soul?

You need to enter into a prayer to free yourself from the snare of words you have caught and to bind your soul, make sure you repent before God about all the evil words you have uttered in your life and then erase them from the spirit world and then open your soul to those words, and start saying good words and saying good things to your children. Even if you are going through a difficult time in your life, be very careful about the words you speak because they are powerful in your soul or in the soul of the person to whom you are speaking.


( 3 ) My soul may be caught in the snare of hell .

Psalm 16:10 Job 38:17 Psalm 30: 3; 49:15 Proverbs 27:20 Psalm 33:19

There are souls of people who live on this earth but spiritually they are trapped in the snare of hell and are heavily enslaved by the spirits of hell every day and those people have failed from those traps of hell and the hands of hell so they find their lives have been suffering daily due to things happening the secret to their souls. When the Bible says to deliver my soul from the hands of hell it means that it is clear that you can see a person with you but spiritually his soul is trapped in hell and many things go on while he is asleep in his dreams.

❌Are not your soul and your soul caught in the snares of hell and bound? Make sure you make a prayer to open your soul and your souls and deliver them from the hands of hell that hold them.


( 4 ) My soul may fall into the trap of the altars of the gods .

Judges 6: 11-15, 25-26

The souls of the people were trapped in the snares of other gods such as Gideon's soul and the family and the whole city were confined to the altar of Baal that his father had until God instructed him to demolish the altar and then their souls were released. There are people whose souls are bound by sorcerers and superstitions at the altars of the gods, and others whose altars are within their Families and clans and their tribes and lands are responsible for binding and holding their souls.

❌Are not your soul or your soul caught in the snare of the altars of foreign gods? You need to get help to open and open your souls to the altars of the gods and break the bonds of those altars to your souls and then connect your soul with the altar of God in Jesus Christ.


( 5 ) My soul may fall into the trap of the covenants of the gods .

 Exodus 20: 3: 32: 1-7; 23:32

The covenants of the gods have been used extensively to capture and imprison the souls of many people whom you see living on earth without their knowledge and understanding. There are people who live a difficult life and struggle every day because their souls are bound to the covenants of the gods and those covenants they have not broken in their souls have continued to cling to and seize their souls. If you come from a family with descendants who have entered into covenants with the gods your soul may be trapped there and you need help to be released but also those who go or go to traditional healers their souls are trapped there even if they repented of that sin.

You are required to enter into a prayer to open your soul and the souls of your children and your parents and your siblings and your spouse and husband bound in various covenants of foreign gods.


( 6 ) My soul may fall into the trap of adultery .

Proverbs 6: 26,32-33 1Cor 6: 16-18

This trap of adultery and fornication has gripped the souls of millions of people around the world as many people engage in adultery and fornication every day while they comfort themselves that it is a feast for their bodies without realizing that adultery is binding the souls of those who engage in it. People themselves are trapped in that trap and today they have become slaves to adultery and fornication in their lives and find themselves living a life of suffering and remorse because of the adultery and fornication they have committed and are committing.

❌Are you not enslaved to the snare of adultery and fornication? Are not the souls of your children and your spouse and your siblings and parents not trapped in this trap of adultery and fornication? Stop the things of adultery and fornication because you have so many spiritual dangers in your life and one of the consequences is that you are destroying your soul and remember that the soul is the one that carries life and success also the thirst for seeking God etc.

Make sure you seek the help of God's servants in freeing yourself from the snare of adultery and fornication if you want to live your God-ordained life but also if you want to live a life of peace and prosperity.

🔶 I have shown you some of the traps that are spiritually involved in capturing the souls of so many human beings living on this earth, what trap have you caught yourself or the souls of your children or siblings? You have a great responsibility to go before God in prayer to pray for your soul and your soul that you may receive God's help to be set free and set free.

✔️ Today our seminar ends here make sure you work on this lesson until tomorrow when we meet again in another seminar. I beg you to help me share this lesson with other people and other groups so that God will also serve them and set them free in their lives.

Tomorrow I will show you another spiritual gateway to address your prayers for your life.

Contact me at the following numbers:

Vodacom +255 765 867574 (WhatsApp).

Airtel +255 785 855785.

Tigo +255 673 784197.

By Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

          Samuel Kibiriti .

May 26, 2021

@ Kibiriti2021

Let me remind you that we are living in the last days and that Jesus Christ is coming back to take over the church. Make sure you are saved by receiving the Lord Jesus and living a life pleasing to God who created you every day on earth.

11:48 AM

 Semina ya siku 30 ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


          Day 12 ya semina.

Na Mwalimu Samwel Kibiriti.

Asifiwe Yesu Kristo wana wa Mungu karibuni katika semina ya siku ya leo, tunaendelea na lango la Nafsi hebu twende pamoja na leo tena.


Baada ya kumaliza kukufundisha kuhusu Sababu ya vita katika nafsi yako na jana nikakufundisha kuhusu Kwanini nafsi yako inashambuliwa kwenye eneo la akili? Naamini umepata maarifa hapo naomba leo tuone eneo lingine kuhusu Nafsi yako unalotakiwa kulishughulikia.


Mithali 18:7 Kutoka 34:12 Zaburi 124:7 Yeremia 50:24  2Timotheo 2:26

Leo katika semina nahitaji kusema nawe kuhusiana na mitego iliyokamata nafsi yako na nafsi za watoto wako, wazazi wako na ndugu zako, nataka ufahamu kwamba kuna mitego ya kiroho ambayo inaweza kukamata nafsi za wanadamu na wengi sana nafsi zao zinashindwa kufanya kazi kama Mungu alivyoziumba kwasababu zimeshikiliwa kwenye mitego na wengi hawajaivunja hiyo mitego na kuzifungua nafsi zao.


Ngoja nikuonyeshe baadhi ya mitego ambayo inaweza kuwa imeikamata nafsi yako au nafsi zenu ili uhakikishe unaingia kwenye maombi rohoni kuivunja hiyo mitego kwenye nafsi na kuifungua ili iweze kuwa huru na kumuomba Mungu Nafsi yako irudi katika utendaji kazi wake kama ilivyoumbwa na Mungu.


( 1 ) Nafsi yangu inaweza kukamatwa na mtego wa kiapo/viapo.

Hesabu 30:2,9

🔵 Huu ni mtego ambao umezikamata nafsi za watu wengi kiroho na kusababisha hizo nafsi ziwe katika vifungo na mateso. Viapo ambavyo wewe umevifanya katika maisha au au vilivyofanyika katika maisha ya familia na uzao wenu kama hujavishughulikia na kuvivunja ni kwamba vimekamata nafsi yako na kuifunga, kwasababu Biblia inasema kiapo kinafunga nafsi. Na watu wengi kila siku wanaingia kwenye viapo vya maneno na damu na sadaka bila kujua madhara yake kumbe wanaziingiza nafsi zao kwenye mateso ambayo huonekana katika maisha yao ya kila siku.

❌Je nafsi yako haijakamatwa na viapo? Je nafsi za watoto wako hazijafungwa na viapo? Je nafsi za wazazi wako na mke wako au mume wako au ndugu zako hazijafungwa na viapo? Hakikisha unapata msaada wa kiroho wa kufunguliwa nafsi yako katika viapo vyote vilivyofunga nafsi yako au nafsi zenu iwe viapo vya maneno au viapo vilivyohusisha damu au sadaka maombi yanahitajika kuisaidia nafsi na kuifungua ili uishi maisha yako mazuri.


( 2 ) Nafsi yangu inaweza kukamatwa na mtego wa maneno ya kinywa changu niliyoyatamka.

Mithali 6:2; 16:26; 13:3

🔴 Maneno ya kinywa chako unayoyaongea kila siku au uliyoyaongea yanaweza kuwa yameifunga nafsi yako katika mtego huo wa maneno na wengi nafsi zao zimekamatwa hapa kwasababu kuna maneno wanayoongea bila kufikiri ambayo huwapelekea nafsi zao kuingia kwenye mtego wa kiroho. Biblia inasema umekamatwa kwa maneno ya kinywa chako, je ni maneno ya aina gani ambayo uliyazungumza na yakatumiwa kuifunga nafsi yako?

Unahitajika kuingia kwenye maombi ya kuifungua nafsi yako kwenye mtego wa maneno ulioikamata na kuifunga nafsi yako, hakikisha kwamba unatubu mbele za Mungu kuhusu maneno yote mabaya uliyojitamkia kwenye maisha yako kisha yafute kwenye ulimwengu wa roho na baada ya hapo ifungue nafsi yako kwenye hayo maneno, na uanze kujitamkia maneno mazuri na kuwatamkia maneno mazuri watoto wako. Hata kama unapitia wakati mgumu wa maisha yako chunga sana maneno unauoongea kwasababu yanakuwa na nguvu katika nafsi yako au katika nafsi ya huyo mtu unayemtamkia maneno hayo.


( 3 ) Nafsi yangu inaweza kukamatwa na mtego wa kuzimu.

Zaburi 16:10 Ayubu 38:17  Zaburi 30:3; 49:15 Mithali 27:20 Zaburi 33:19

Ziko nafsi za watu wanaoishi hapa duniani lakini kiroho zimekamatwa katika mtego wa kuzimu na zinatumikishwa sana na roho za kuzimu kila siku na watu hao wameshindwa kutoka kwenye hiyo mitego ya kuzimu na mikono ya kuzimu hivyo kukuta maisha yao yamekuwa ya mateso kila siku kutokana na mambo yanayofanyika sirini kwenye nafsi zao. Biblia inaposema uitoe nafsi yangu mikononi kwa kuzimu maana yake ni uwazi kwamba unaweza kumuona mtu uko nae kumbe kiroho nafsi yake imeshikiliwa huko kuzimu na mambo mengi huendelea akiwa amelala kwenye ndoto anazoziota.

❌Je nafsi yako na nafsi zenu hazijashikiliwa kwenye mitego ya kuzimu na kuzifunga? Hakikisha kwamba unafanya maombi ya kuifungua nafsi yako na nafsi zenu na kuzitoa kwenye mikono ya kuzimu iliyozishikilia.


( 4 ) Nafsi yangu inaweza kukamatwa na mtego wa madhabahu za miungu.

Waamuzi 6:11-15, 25-26

Ziko nafsi za watu zimeshikiliwa katika mtego wa miungu mingine kama vile nafsi ya Gideon na familia na mji mzima zilikuwa zimefungwa kwenye ile madhabahu ya baali aliyokuwa nayo baba yake hadi Mungu alipompatia maelekezo kwamba akibomoe hiyo madhabahu ndipo nafsi zao zikafunguliwa. Kuna watu ambao nafsi zenu zimeshafungwa na wachawi na kishirikina katika madhabahu za miungu, na wengine zile madhabahu zilizomo ndani ya Familia zao na ukoo na makabila yao na nchi zao zimehusika kuzifunga na kuzishikilia nafsi zao.

❌Je nafsi yako au nafsi zenu hazijakamatwa na mtego wa madhabahu za miungu migeni? Unahitajika kupata msaada wa kuifungua na kuzifungua nafsi zenu kwenye hizo madhabahu za miungu na kuvunja vifungo vya hizo madhabahu kwenye nafsi zenu kisha kuiunganisha nafsi yako na madhabahu ya Mungu katika Yesu Kristo.


( 5 ) Nafsi yangu inaweza kukamatwa na mtego wa maagano ya miungu.

 Kutoka 20:3: 32:1-7; 23:32

Maagano ya miungu yametumika sana kiroho kuzikamata na kuzifunga nafsi za wanadamu wengi unaowaona wanaishi duniani pasipo wao kujua na kutambua. Kuna watu wanaishi maisha magumu naya kuhangaika kila siku kwasababu nafsi zao zimefungwa kwenye maagano ya miungu na hayo maagano hawajayavunja kwenye nafsi zao yameendelea kuzishikilia na kuzikamata nafsi zao. Kama umetokea kwenye familia na uzao ulioingia maagano na miungu nafsi yako inaweza kuwa imeshikiliwa hapo na unahitaji msaada wa kufunguliwa lakini pia wale wanaoenda au walioenda kwa waganga wa kienyeji nafsi zao zimefungwa huko hata kama walitubia hiyo dhambi.

Unahitajika kuingia kwenye maombi ya kuifungua nafsi yako na nafsi za watoto wako na wazazi wako na ndugu zako na mke na mume wako zilizofungwa katika maagano mbalimbali ya miungu migeni.


( 6 ) Nafsi yangu inaweza kukamatwa na mtego wa uzinzi/uasherati.

Mithali 6:26,32-33 1Kor 6:16-18

Huu mtego wa uzinzi na uasherati umezikamata nafsi za mamilion ya wanadamu duniani kutokana na wanadamu wengi kushiriki kwenye uzinzi na uasherati kila siku huku wao wakijifariji kwamba ni sharehe ya miili yao bila kutambua kwamba uzinzi/uasherati unafunga nafsi ya hao watu wanaoshiriki katika hizo ngono. Watu nafsi zao zimefungwa kwenye huo mtego na leo wamekuwa watumwa wa uzinzi na uasherati kwenye maisha yao na kujikuta wanaishi maisha ya mateso na majuto kwasababu ya uzinzi na uasherati waliofanya na wanaoufanya.

❌Je wewe nafsi yako haijafungwa katika mtego wa uzinzi na uasherati? Je nafsi za watoto wako na mke au mume wako na ndugu zako na wazazi wako hazijafungwa kwenye huu mtego wa uzinzi na uasherati? Achana na mambo ya uzinzi na uasherati kwasababu uko na madhara mengi sana kiroho katika maisha yako na moja ya madhara ni kwamba unaiharibu nafsi yako na kumbuka kuwa nafsi ndio iliyobeba maisha na mafanikio pia imebeba kiu ya kumtafuta Mungu n.k

Hakikisha unatafuta msaada kwa watumishi wa Mungu katika kufunguliwa kwa nafsi yako kwenye mtego wa uzinzi na uasherati kama unataka kuishi maisha yako uliyokusudiwa na Mungu lakini pia kama unataka kuishi maisha ya Amani na mafanikio.

🔶 Nimekuonyesha baadhi ya mitego hiyo ambayo kiroho imehusika kuzikamata nafsi za wanadamu wengi sana wanaoishi hapa duniani, je wewe ni mtego upi umeikamata nafsi yako au nafsi za watoto wako au ndugu zako? Unalojukumu kubwa la kwenda mbele za Mungu kwa maombi kuiombea nafsi yako na nafsi zenu ili upate msaada wake Mungu wa kufunguliwa na kuwekwa huru.

✔️ Leo semina yetu inaishia hapa hakikisha kwamba unalifanyia kazi somo hili mpaka siku ya kesho tutakapokutana tena katika semina nyingine. Nakuomba sana unisaidie kuwashirikisha watu wengine na magroup mengine somo hili ili Mungu pia awahudumie na kuwafungua kwenye maiaha yao.

Kesho nitakuonyesha lango lingine la kiroho la kushughulikia kweye maombi yako kwaajili ya maisha yako.

Kwa mawasiliano nami utanipata kwa namba hizi:

Vodacom +255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel +255 785 855785.

Tigo +255 673 784197.

Kwa Email address ni

Mimi ni Mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa

          Samwel Kibiriti.

Mei 26, 2021


Nikukumbushe kwamba tunaishi nyakati za mwisho na Yesu Kristo anarudi kulichukua kanisa hakikisha kwamba umeokoka kwa kumpokea Bwana Yesu na uishi maisha yanayompendezesha Mungu aliyekuumba kila siku hapa duniani.

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