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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

2:41 AM

 30-day seminar ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


           Day 11 of the seminar.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ son of God I would like to welcome you to today's seminar, where we continue to learn about the gate of your soul.


Psalm 25:20 Exodus 32: 7 Deuteronomy 4:16 Numbers 11:18 Psalm 7: 5 Numbers 31:50

In yesterday's Seminar I taught you about the Cause of the War in Your Soul where I showed you the six biblical reasons I believe you have been praying for your soul, today I ask that we move forward a little and teach you this;


People's souls are attacked in the realm of the mind which is why there are so many people whose minds are damaged and unable to function as God created them in their lives, here I want to show you several spiritual reasons so you can pray more for yourself and your mind every day.


( 1 ) Your mind is being attacked so that you cannot use it properly as God intended

1 Corinthians 15:34

God has given you intelligence so that you can use it properly but most people do not use their minds properly because they have been attacked or imprisoned spiritually, so God wants you to be able to use your mind as He intended to use it according to His purpose to keep your mind in you. So the devil is attacking your mind so that you will not be able to use it properly and if you do not use it properly there are things you will miss in your life, Be a person to remember to pray for your mind because it is very valuable in your daily life here on earth.


( 2 ) Your mind is being attacked to examine what is being carried into those minds

Isaiah 40:28

In the spirit world there are demons that search the minds of men to close the things that God has burdened the mind of man and what he is supposed to do. The mind of God does not explore what I want you to see in the spirit world. They can attack your mind to examine it and hold on to it, so make sure you pray for your mind and cover it with the blood of Jesus so that it can be examined and give what God has entrusted to you.

There are people today living a life of poverty and hardship that is very different from God's plan because their minds are spiritually closed even though God has set their minds on themselves carrying a great treasure of precious things for their lives.


( 3 ) Your brain is being attacked for easy access .

Galatians 3: 1-3

There are so many people whose minds are bewitched spiritually that is why there are so many wonderful things they are doing in their lives that people say "this one really has his mind why did he do this?" he has a mind but unfortunately he failed to protect them and the witches have succeeded in enchanting them which is why he does what he does. You see these Galatians that the Apostle Paul was talking about here started very well in the Spirit but suddenly when their minds were attacked and bewitched they found themselves gradually leaving Jesus Christ and beginning to follow the works of the flesh. 

When a person's mind is attacked and bewitched he must change his mind and start going against what he was originally going to do when his mind was not bewitched, and there are actions he did not initially do that will not be God's will.


( 4 ) Your mind is being attacked so that you cannot use it in all aspects of your life

2 Timothy 2: 7

God has given you intelligence so that you can use it in all the things you do in your life, but there are people who in certain areas of their lives do not use their minds to do those things and as a result find themselves at odds with each other. It is God's intention for you to use your intellect in all things but in the spirit world when your mind is attacked you will find yourself unable to use it in all things, and in those things that you will not use your mind you will find 


( 5 ) Your brain is being attacked for not having the ability to invent and invent new things

Exodus 35: 30-35

🔴 God has put a wonderful invention in the human mind and He wants us humans to use our minds to discover things and design things that He intended for us but not in the lives of many people that ability no longer works in our minds. You see how these Bezalel and Oholiab used their minds to invent things and do the things that God put in their minds. In your mind God has put so many precious things and inventions and knowledge of all kinds. To what extent have you used your mind to do so? 


( 6 ) Your mind is being attacked so you can't use it as a leader .

Deuteronomy 1: 13-15 1 Kings 5: 7

🔵 There are people who have been given leadership in them but their minds because they have been attacked find themselves not doing well in their leadership positions because they fail to connect their minds with their leadership positions. So you need to make good use of your mind as a leader where God has placed you and give you the opportunity to lead others so that they do not blame your leadership. The wife is also the leader and the husband is the leader in their family so if one's mind is closed you will see him fail to fulfill his role as the head of the family and cause conflicts and problems within his family.


( 7 ) Your mind is being attacked so you can't use it to save your future life .  

Proverbs 30:24

🔵 God has given us intelligence and wants us to use our minds to save for our future life in the way He allows us to get it so that we can not use it all but the mind will guide us to save part of tomorrow's savings. You need to use your mental faculties to save a little for your future and the lives of your children, not to eat everything you earn without saving a little. 

🔶 Have I shown you these few things to see why your mind is being attacked spiritually through your soul? So make sure you go into prayer to pray for your soul and mind as well as for your children, your parents, your siblings, your wife & husband in the areas of their mind within the soul so that their minds can be free then they will use them properly in their daily lives. here on earth.

✔️ Today our seminar ends here so we can meet tomorrow, and I ask you to help me share these lessons with others so that they can receive God's help through this seminar for their lives.

By contacting me you will find me at these numbers, also use them to offer your offerings to God for this seminar.

Vodacom M-PESA +255 765 867574 (WhatsApp).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785

Tigo Pesa +255 673 784197

By Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

             Samuel Kibiriti.

May 25, 2021

Mbeya Tanzania.

@ Kibiriti2021

Remember the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back to make sure you have prepared your life by being saved and living a holy life here on earth as you continue to do God's will every day.

2:02 AM

 Semina ya siku 30 ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


           Day 11 ya semina.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Bwana Yesu Kristo asifiwe mwana wa Mungu napenda kukukaribisha katika semina ya leo, ambapo tunaendelea kujifunza kuhusu lango la Nafsi yako.


Zaburi 25:20 Kutoka 32:7 Kumbukumbu 4:16 Hesabu 11:18 Zaburi 7:5 Hesabu 31:50

Katika Semina ya siku ya jana nilikufundisha kuhusu Sababu ya vita katika Nafsi yako ambapo nilikuonyesha sababu sababu sita za Kibiblia naamini umekuwa na maombi kuombea nafsi yako, leo naomba tusogee mbele kidogo nikufundishe jambo hili;


Nafsi za watu zinashambuliwa katika eneo la akili ndio maana kuna watu wengi akili zao zimepata madhara na kushindwa kufanya kazi kama Mungu alivyoziumba kwenye maisha yao, hapa nataka nikuonyeshe sababu kadhaa za kiroho ili uwe na umuhimu zaidi wa kuiombea nafsi yako na akili zako kila siku.


( 1 )  Akili zako zinashambuliwa ili usiweze kuzitumia ipasavyo kama Mungu alivyotaka

1Wakorintho 15:34

Mungu amekupatia akili ili wewe uzitumie  kama ipasavyo lakini watu wengi hawatumii akili zao kama ipasavyo kwasababu zimeshambuliwa au kufungwa rohoni, kwahiyo Mungu anakutaka uweze kutumia akili zako kama ipasavyo maana yake kama alivyokusudia uzitumie sawa na kusudi lake la kukuwekea akili ndani yako. Kwahiyo shetani anashambulia akili zako ili ushindwe kuzitumia kama ipasavyo na usipozitumia kama ipasavyo kuna vitu utakosa kwenye maisha yako, Uwe mtu wa kukumbuka kuziombea akili zako kwasababu niza thamani sana katika maisha yako ya kila siku hapa duniani.


( 2 ) Akili zako zinashambuliwa ili kuchunguzwa vile vilivyobebwa ndani ya hizo akili

Isaya 40:28

Kwenye ulimwengu wa roho kuna mashetani ambayo huzichunguza akili za wanadamu ili kufunga vile vitu ambavyo Mungu kaibebesha hiyo akili ya mtu na kile anachotakiwa kufanya. Akili za Mungu hazichunguziki ninachotaka uone kwenye ulimwengu wa roho wanaweza kuzishambulia akili zako ili wazichunguze ndani yake na kuzishikilia, kwahiyo hakikisha kwamba unaombea akili zako na kuzifunika kwa damu ya Yesu ili zisichunguzwe na ziweze kutoa vile ilivyobebeshwa kwako na Mungu kwaajili ya maisha yako.

Kuna watu leo wanaishi maisha ya umasikini na magumu sana tofauti na mpango wa Mungu kwasababu akili zao zimefungwa kiroho ingawa Mungu alipowawekea akili zao kwenye nafsi akizibebesha hazina kubwa ya vitu vya thamani kwaajili ya maisha yao.


( 3 ) Akili zako zinashambuliwa ili wapate urahisi wa kuziloga.

Wagalatia 3:1-3

Wako watu wengi sana ambao akili zao zimelogwa rohoni ndio maana kuna vitu vya ajabu wanafanya kwenye maisha yao mpaka watu husema “ huyu kweli anazo akili zake kweli kwanini amefanya hivi?” akili anazo lakini bahati mbaya ni kwamba alishindwa kuzilinda na wachawi wamefanikiwa kuziloga ndio maana anafanya hayo anayoyafanya. Unawaona hawa Wagalatia ambao Mtume Paulo alikuwa anazungumza nao hapa walianza vizuri sana katika Roho lakini ghafula akili zao ziliposhambuliwa na kulogwa wakajikuta wanamuacha taratibu Yesu Kristo na kuanza kufuata matendo ya mwili. 

Akili za mtu zinaposhambuliwa na kulogwa lazima atabadilisha mwelekeo wake ataanza kwenda kinyume na alivyokuwa anaenda mwanzoni wakati akili zake hazijalogwa, na kuna matendo ambayo mwanzoni alikuwa hayafanyi ataanza kuyafanya yasiyokuwa mapenzi ya Mungu Kwahiyo atahitaji msaada kwa akili zake kufunguliwa na kukombolewa kwa jina la Yesu Kristo.


( 4 ) Akili zako zinashambuliwa ili usiweze kuzitumia katika mambo yote ya maisha yako

2Timotheo 2:7

Mungu amekupatia akili ili uweze kuzitumia katika mambo yako yote unayofanya kwenye maisha yako, lakini kunao watu ambao kwenye maeneo Fulani ya maisha yao hawatumii akili zao kufanya hayo mambo na matokeo yake hujikuta wanakosana na wenzao. Ni kusudi la Mungu kwamba utumie akili katika mambo yote lakini kwenye ulimwengu wa roho akili zako zinaposhambuliwa utajikuta huwezi kuzitumia katika mambo yote, na katika yale mambo ambayo hutatumia akili yako utajikuta unakosana na wenzako wale ambao wametumia akili zao kwenye hilo jambo. 


( 5 ) Akili zako zinashambuliwa ili zisiwe na Uwezo wa kuvumbua na kubuni  vitu vipya

Kutoka 35:30-35

🔴 Mungu ameweka uvumbuzi wa ajabu sana kwenye akili za  mwanadamu  na anatamani sisi wanadamu tuzitumie akili zetu kuvumbua vitu na kubuni  vitu alivyotukusudia lakini sivyo ilivyo kwenye maisha ya watu wengi huo  uwezo haufanyi  kazi tena kwenye akili zetu. Unaona jinsi hawa akina  Bezaleli na Oholiabu walivyotumia akili zao kuvumbua vitu na kufanya vile vitu ambavyo Mungu aliviweka kwenye akili zao. Katika akili  yako Mungu  ameweka vitu vya thamani sana na Uvumbuzi na  ujuzi wa  aina  mbalimbali je kiwango gani umeitumia akili yako ikafanya hivyo? 


( 6 ) Akili zako zinashambuliwa ili usiweze kuzitumia kama kiongozi.

Kumbukumbu 1:13-15  1Waflme 5:7

🔵 Kuna watu ambao wamewekewa uongozi ndani yao lakini akili zao kwasababu zimeshambuliwa wanajikuta hawafanyi vizuri kwenye nafasi zao za uongozi kwa sababu wanashindwa kuunganisha akili zao na nafasi zao za uongozi. Kwahiyo unatakiwa uzitumie vizuri akili zako kama kiongozi mahali ambapo Mungu amekuweka na kukupatia nafasi hiyo ya kuwaongoza wengine ili wasiulaumu uongozi wako. Pia mke ni kiongozi na mume nae ni kiongozi ndani ya familia yao hivyo akili za mmojawapo zikifungwa utamuona atashindwa kutimiza wajibu wake kama kiongozi wa familia na kusababisha migogoro na matatizo ndani ya familia yake.


( 7 ) Akili zako zinashambuliwa ili usiweze kuzitumia kujiwekea akiba ya maisha yako ya kesho.  

Mithali 30:24

🔵 Mungu ametupatia akili na anatutaka tuzitumie akili zetu ili kujiwekea akiba ya maisha yetu ya kesho katika vile anavyotujalia kuvipata tusiweze kuvitumia vyote bali akili ituongoze kuweka sehemu ya akiba ya kesho.                Unatakiwa utumie akili zako vizuri kujiwekea akiba kidogo kidogo kwaajili ya maisha yako ya baadae naya watoto wako, usile kila kitu unachopata bila kuweka kidogo akiba. 

🔶 Nimekuonyesha mambo hayo machache ili uone kwanini akili zako zinashambuliwa rohoni kupitia kwenye nafsi yako? Hivyo hakikisha kwamba unaingia kwenye maombi kuombea nafsi na akili zako wewe pamoja na kuwaombea watoto wako, wazazi wako, ndugu zako, mke&mume wake kwenye maeneo ya akili zao ndani ya nafsi ili akili zao ziweze kuwa huru hapo ndipo watazitumia ipasavyo katika maisha yao ya kila siku hapa duniani.

✔️ Kwa leo semina yetu inaishia hapa tukutane siku ya kesho, nakuomba unisaidie kuwashirikisha wengine masomo haya ili wapokee msaada wa Mungu kupitia semina hii kwaajili ya maisha yao.

Kwa mawasiliano nami utanipata kwa namba hizi, pia zitumie kutoa sadaka yako kwa Mungu kwaajili ya semina hii.

Vodacom M-PESA +255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785

Tigo Pesa +255 673 784197

Kwa Email address ni

Mimi ni Mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa

             Samwel Kibiriti.

Mei 25, 2021

Mbeya Tanzania.


Kumbuka Bwana Yesu Kristo anarudi hakikisha kwamba umeyaandaa maisha yako kwa kuokoka na kuishi maisha matakatifu hapa duniani huku ukiendelea kuyafanya mapenzi yake Mungu kila siku.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

6:12 AM

 30-day seminar ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


         Day 10 of the seminar.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified the Son of God and we will continue with today's seminar.


Psalm 25:20 Exodus 32: 7 Deuteronomy 4:16 Numbers 11:18 Psalm 7: 5 Numbers 31:50

After teaching you about fighting for the gate of the country where you live and giving birth at the altars of the countries that closed your life, today I want us to begin this lesson of the gate of your soul where we will learn for 3 days about this gate, and God will speak to you and open your soul. There are so many people who do not know how their souls work spiritually and also this gate of the soul for many people is gripped by the forces of darkness which is why their souls suffer and are greatly served every day in their sleep and in dreams without getting help to set them free.


May I today explain to you the causes of the war in your soul and in the souls of your children and your parents and siblings. There is a great war directed at the souls of men and this war has caused many souls not to function as they were created by God in human life. And many do not know why they are experiencing so much warfare every day in their souls, I as a teacher of God's Word of Knowledge ask you to explain those biblical reasons that cause you to be at war with your soul every day.

                FIRST REASON :

( 1 ) It is the soul that can interpret the Voice of the Spirit and the voice of your body to understand each other

Galatians 5: 16-25

🔵 God created the spirit and space and your body and in the functioning of these 3 areas is that within your spirit there is a voice and in your body there is a voice so the bible says that the soul and body do not understand and your soul is responsible for God interpreting the voice of The spirit and the body must be united so that you can do God's will in your life. When your soul is closed spiritually it will fail to interpret the voice of the spirit and the body and thus fail to understand and find itself living a life of doing it and fulfilling God's will on earth every day.

❌Does your soul properly interpret the voice of your spirit and body and understand each other in doing the will of God? Make sure you make a prayer to open your soul to a closed place so that it can be free and you can do God's will in your life, and ask God to restore His power in your soul.

                      SECOND REASON :

( 2 ) It is the soul that carries your life that you live on this earth

Job 10: 1

The life you are living today whether good or bad is the source of your soul and not your spirit or your body because when God created your soul it is your responsibility to guide your life here on earth. So in simple language we say that the way you live today is the result of what your soul is like and how it works in the spirit. You cannot have the life you desire if your soul is closed you will only be talking about that life without living it in reality here on earth so it is important to know that your soul is free or closed so that you can pray for it before God.

❌Is the life you are living now the same as God intended you to have? The answer is no, there is a very good life when God created you and prepared and planned for you, but because your soul is closed you have found yourself not living that life. Make sure you get the spiritual help to open your soul so that you can return to your God-given real life, and ask God to restore your real life so that you can live it on earth for the time He will keep you alive.

                       THIRD REASON :

( 3 ) It is the soul that quenches your thirst for God in your life

Psalm 42: 2 John 7:37 Psalm 143: 6 Jeremiah 29:13

Many Christians in them are not at all thirsty to seek God and to seek the face of God because that thirst has been removed from their souls and that is why you find them just ordinary Christians in the churches. I want you to understand that God put something called thirst in the soul and that thirst that He has set is not for seeking to do anything. nor any other creature so when you put forth a great effort to seek God He promised that He would appear to you.

❌Is there a thirst in your soul to seek God every day? Make sure you go into prayer and open your soul and ask God to restore your thirst for you to seek Him more than you seek money because if you find God you have found everything in your life.

                        FOURTH REASON :

( 4 ) The soul is responsible for the success of your life

Psalm 25:13 3 John 1: 2

The success of your life is not in your spirit nor in your body or in your work here on earth but your success is carried within the soul, so your soul is the one that determines the levels of success in life on earth. Anyone whose soul is locked up cannot succeed in life no matter how hard he tries to do this work, many are unaware of it. 

❌The success of your life has been placed by God in your soul so make sure you pray hard for yourself and open it so that you can live a successful life here on earth in harmony with God's purpose for creating you.

                   FIFTH REASON :

( 5 ) The soul is the Engine of working for man on earth

Proverbs 16:26 Psalm 104: 23 Ecclesiastes 3:13

The human engine of manual labor is not the body but the soul and many do not understand this which is why many people you find working with their bodies while their souls are spiritually bound and find themselves really trying to work but their lives do not change completely every day . Your soul is the working engine to succeed in your work so when the engine closes nothing will move you. 

The soul is the one that has to work with the body to do manual labor together but not so many the body is the one that works without working with the soul that is why they do not succeed or get the results they intended to get through their handiwork. To work hard for your body while your soul is being held captive spiritually is to tire yourself out for nothing in your life. they have been captured and stolen and captured by the enemy.

❌Does your soul work in full harmony with your body or do you use the body alone to work while your soul is in captivity? Enter into the powerful prayer of opening your soul to its daily function in your life.

               REASON SIX :

( 6 ) It is the soul that carries the Mind and the mind and the thoughts

Mind and thoughts and thoughts God put in the soul so if your soul is trapped by the devil in the spirit you know your mind and your thoughts and your thoughts will also be constrained, also if your soul is kidnapped in the spirit know also your mind is captured and your mind is captured by your thoughts they will be captured and thus unable to be used properly as God created them and placed them in you for your life here on earth.

The one who holds your soul in the spirit world is the one who will cling to your soul and guide it whatever he wants and you will find yourself unable to do what you are supposed to do but do things that even you and those around you wonder just because your soul is misled by God's will.

🔵 I have been able to show you the spiritual reasons why your soul is at war is because of the things it carries for your daily life here on earth, so enter into prayer and pray fervently for your soul to be opened and revived by God. This war of your soul if you do not receive great spiritual help you will find yourself living a life of suffering and suffering only on earth and that is not the plan of God who created you and brought you here on earth. The great problems of people's lives are in their own souls because they are not in the right place at the right time.

✔️ Today our seminar ends here let's meet tomorrow where I will talk to you about the area of ​​mind in your soul. Please help me to share these lessons with other people so that they may receive the knowledge to deliver them from the suffering they go through in life.

Contact me at the following numbers:

Vodacom +255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel +255 785 855785

Tigo +255 673 784197

By Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

          Samuel Kibiriti.

May 24, 2021

@ Kibiriti2021

Remember the Lord Jesus is coming back to make sure you are saved and living a holy life while doing God's will for your life.

5:44 AM

 Semina ya siku 30 ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


         Day 10 ya semina.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Bwana Yesu Kristo atukuzwe mwana wa Mungu karibu tuendelee na semina ya siku ya leo.


Zaburi 25:20 Kutoka 32:7 Kumbukumbu 4:16 Hesabu 11:18 Zaburi 7:5  Hesabu 31:50

Baada ya kumaliza kukufundisha kuhusu kupambana na lango la nchi unayoishi na kujifungua kwenye madhabahu za nchi zilizofunga maisha yako, leo nataka tuanze somo hili la lango la Nafsi yako ambapo tutajifunza kwa siku 3 kuhusua lango hili, na Mungu atasema nawe na kuifungua nafsi yako. Wako aatu wengi sana hawajui jinsi nafsi zao zinazofanya kazi kiroho na pia lango hili la nafsi kwa watu wengi limeshikiliwa na nguvu za giza ndio maana nafsi zao zinateseka na kutumikishwa sana kila siku wakiwa katika usingizi na kwenye ndoto bila kupata msaada wa kuwaweka huru.


Naomba leo nikueleze sababu za vita katika nafsi yako na katika nafsi za watoto wako na wazazi wako na ndugu zako. Kuna vita kubwa sana iliyoelekezwa kwenye nafsi za wanadamu na hii vita imesababisha nafsi nyingi kutokufanya kazi kama vile zilivyoumbwa na Mungu kwenye maisha ya watu. Na wengi hawajui kwanini wanakutana na vita sana kila siku katika nafsi zao, mimi kama mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa naomba nikueleze hizo sababu kibiblia zinazosababisha uko kwenye vita ya nafsi yako kila siku.

                SABABU YA KWANZA:

( 1 ) Nafsi ndio inayoweza kutafsiri Sauti ya roho na sauti ya mwili wako ili vielewane

Wagalatia 5:16-25

🔵 Mungu aliumba roho na nafasi na mwili wako na katika utendaji kazi wa maeneo haya 3 ni kwamba ndani ya roho yako kuna sauti na katika mwili wako kuna sauti hivyo biblia inasema kwamba roho na mwili hazielewani na nafsi yako ndio iliyobebeshwa jukumu na Mungu kutafsiri sauti ya roho na mwili vielewane ili uweze kuyafanya mapenzi ya Mungu katika maisha yako. Nafsi yako inapofungwa kiroho itashindwa kutafsiri sauti ya roho na mwili na hivyo kushindwa kuelewana na kujikuta huishi maisha ya kuyafanya na kuyatimiza mapenzi ya Mungu hapa duniani kila siku.

❌Je nafsi yako inatafsiri sawasawa sauti ya roho na mwili wako na kuelewana katika kuyafanya mapenzi ya Mungu? Hakikisha unafanya maombi ya kuifungua nafsi yako mahali ilipofungwa ili iweze kuwa huru na wewe uweze kuyafanya mapenzi ya Mungu kwenye maisha yako, pia omba Mungu aurejeshe ule uweza wake katika nafsi yako.

                SABABU YA PILI:

( 2 ) Nafsi ndio iliyobeba Maisha yako unayoishi hapa duniani

Ayubu 10:1

Maisha yako unayoishi leo hii yawe mazuri au mabaya chanzo ni nafsi yako wala sio roho yako wala mwili wako kwasababu Mungu alipoiumba nafsi yako ndio aliyoibebesha jukumu la kuongoza maisha yako hapa duniani.  Kwahiyo kwa lugha rahisi tunasema kwamba unavyoishi leo ni matokeo ya nafsi yako ilivyo na inavyofanya kazi rohoni. Huwezi kuwa na maisha unayoyatamani kama nafsi yako imefungwa utakuwa unayasimulia tu hayo maisha pasipo kuyaishi kwa uhalisia hapa duniani hivyo ni jambo la msingi kujua kwamba nafsi yako iko huru au imefungwa ili uweze kuiombea mbele za Mungu.

❌Je maisha unayoyaishi sasa ndivyo Mungu alivyokupangia uwe nayo? Jibu ni hapana kuna maisha mazuri sana wakati Mungu alipokuumba alikuandalia na kukupangia ila kwasababu nafsi yako imefungwa umejikuta huyaishi hayo maisha. Hakikisha unapata msaada wa kiroho kufunguliwa kwa nafsi yako ili uweze kurudi katika maisha yako halisi uliyokusudiwa na Mungu, na muombe Mungu ayarejeshe maisha yako halisi ili uweze kuyaishi hapa duniani kwa kipindi atakachokuweka kuishi.

                       SABABU YA TATU:

( 3 ) Nafsi ndio iliyobeba kiu ya wewe kumtafuta Mungu kwenye maisha yako

Zaburi 42:2 Yohana 7:37 Zaburi 143:6 Yeremia 29:13

Wakristo wengi ndani yao hawana kiu kabisa ya kumtafuta Mungu na kuutafuta uso wa Mungu kwasababu ile kiu imeshaondolewa ndani ya nafsi zao ndio maana unawakuta ni wakristo wa mazoea tu makanisani. Nataka ufahamu kwamba Mungu aliweka kitu kinachoitwa kiu/shauku ndani ya nafsi na kiu hiyo aliyoiweka sio ya kutafuta kufanya kitu chochote kile hapana ameiweka hiyo kiu ili moyo wako umtafute sana Mungu kila siku ya maisha, kwasababu mwenye kuyajua maisha yako ni Mungu pekee wala sio mwanadamu wala kiumbe yoyote yule hivyo unapoweka jitihada kubwa ya kumtafuta Mungu aliahidi kwamba ataonekana kwako.

❌Je ndani ya nafsi yako kuna kiu ya kumtafuta Mungu kila siku? Hakikisha unaingia katika maombi na kuifungua nafsi yako na kumuomba Mungu akurejeshee kiu yake ya wewe kumtafuta yeye zaidi ya unavyotafuta pesa kwani ukimpata Mungu umepata kila kitu katika maisha yako.

                        SABABU YA NNE:

( 4 ) Nafsi ndio iliyobeba Mafanikio ya maisha yako

Zaburi 25:13  3Yohana 1:2

Mafanikio ya maisha yako hayako kwenye roho yako wala hayapo kwenye mwili wako au kwenye utendaji kazi wako sana hapa duniani bali mafanikio yako yamebebwa ndani ya nafsi, kwahiyo nafsi yako ndio inayokuamulia viwango vya kufanikiwa kimaisha hapa duniani. Mtu yoyote ambaye nafsi yake imefungwa hawezi kufanikiwa kimaisha hata kama atajitahidi vipi kufanya kazi hili wengi hawalifahamu. 

❌Mafanikio ya maisha yako yamewekwa na Mungu katika nafsi yako hivyo hakikisha unaombea sana nafsi yako na kuifungua ili uweze kuishi maisha ya mafanikio hapa duniani sawasawa na kusudi la Mungu la kukuumba.

                    SABABU YA TANO:

( 5 ) Nafsi ndio Injini ya kufanya kazi kwa mtu hapa duniani

Mithali 16:26  Zaburi 104:23  Mhubiri 3:13

Injini ya mwanadamu ya kufanya kazi za mikono sio mwili bali ni nafsi yake  na wengi hawafahamu hili ndio maana watu wengi unawakuta wanafanya kazi za mikono kwa kutumia miili yao wakati huo nafsi zao zimefungwa rohoni na kujikuta wanajitahidi kweli kufanya kazi lakini maisha yao hayabadiliki kabisa kila siku. Nafsi yako ndio injini ya kufanya kazi ili kufanikiwa kwenye kazi zako kwahiyo injini inapofungwa hakuna kitu kitasogea kwako. 

Nafsi ndio inayotakiwa ishirikiane na mwili kufanya kazi za mikono kwa pamoja lakini sivyo ilivyo wengi sana mwili ndio unaofanya kazi bila kushirikiana na nafsi ndio maana hawafanikiwi wala kupata matokeo yale waliyokusudiwa kuyapata kupitia kazi zao za mikono. Kufanya kazi kubwa kwa mwili wako huku nafsi yako ikiwa imechukuliwa mateka kiroho ni kujichosha bure bila faida yoyote katika maisha yako ndio leo unakutana na watu wengi wanaolalamika kuteseka na kuchoka kupitia kazi wanazozifanya bila kufanikiwa na kustawi wao wakidhania tatizo ni kazi kumbe tatizo lipo kiroho nafsi zao zimeshafungwa na kuibiwa na kutekwa na maadui.

❌Je nafsi yako inafanya kazi kwa kushirikiana na mwili wako kwa ukamilifu au unatumia mwili peke yake kufanya kazi huku nafsi yako ikiwa kifungoni? Ingia kwenye maombi ya nguvu ya kuifungua nafsi yako katika utendaji kazi wake wa kila siku kwenye maisha yako.

               SABABU YA SITA:

( 6 ) Nafsi ndio iliyobeba Akili na mawazo na fikira

Akili na mawazo na fikira Mungu aliziweka ndani ya nafsi kwahiyo nafsi yako ikibanwa na shetani rohoni ujue akili zako na mawazo yako na fikira zako nazo pia zitakuwa zimebanwa, pia nafsi yako ikitekwa nyara rohoni ujue pia na akili zako zimetekwa na mawazo yako yametekwa na fikira zako  zitakuwa zimetekwa na hivyo kushindwa kutumika sawasawa kama Mungu alivyoviumba na kuziweka ndani yako kwaajili ya maisha yako hapa duniani.

 Aliyeshikilia nafsi yako kwenye ulimwengu wa kiroho ndiye huyo atakayeibana nafsi yako na kuiongoza vyovyote atakavyo yeye na kujikuta huwezi kufanya yale unayotakiwa kuyafanya bali unafanya vitu ambavyo hata wewe na wanaokuzunguka wanashangaa tu kwasababu nafsi yako inaongozwa vibaya tofauti na mapenzi ya Mungu.

🔶 Nimeweza kukuonyesha sababu za kiroho kwanini nafsi yako inakutana na vita ni kwasababu ya vitu ilivyovibeba kwaajili ya maisha yako ya kila siku hapa duniani, hivyo ingia katika maombi na kuiombea kwa nguvu nafsi yako hadi ifunguliwe na kuhuishwa na Mungu. Hii vita ya nafsi yako kama hutapata msaada mkubwa wa kiroho utajikuta na maisha ya kuteseka na kuhangaika tu hapa duniani na hilo sio mpango wa Mungu aliyekuumba na kukuleta hapa duniani. Matatizo makubwa ya maisha ya watu waliyonayo yako kwenye nafsi zao kwasababu haziko sawasawa kiroho kabisa kwenye utendajo kazi.

✔️ Kwa leo semina yetu inaishia hapa tukutane siku ya kesho ambapo nitasema nawe kuhusiana na eneo la akili katika nafsi yako. Nakuomba unisaidie kuwashirikisha watu wengine masomo haya ili wapokee maarifa ya kuwatoa katika mateso wanayopitia kimaisha.

Kwa mawasiliano nami utanipata kwa namba hizi:

Vodacom +255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel +255 785 855785

Tigo +255 673 784197

Kwa Email address ni

Mimi ni Mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa

          Samwel Kibiriti.

Mei 24, 2021


Kumbuka Bwana Yesu anarudi hakikisha kwamba umeokoka na kuishi maisha ya utakatifu huku ukiyafanya mapenzi ya Mungu kwenye maisha yako.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

11:05 PM

 30-day seminar (Christ For All People Church-Mbeya).


        Day 9 of the Seminar.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Praise be to Jesus Christ my dear friend in today's seminar.


Deuteronomy 12: 1-4

In yesterday's seminar I talked to you two things about the altars of the country that apply to your life in the daily world today I want to show you some things let's go together.


Let's look at other types of work;

                  THIRD THING :

( 3 ) The altars of a country may pass on to you a war from the tribes within the country .

Jonah 1: 8 Revelation 13: 1-2,7 Habakkuk 3: 9 Zechariah 11:10 Revelation 5: 9

There are wars in countries whose source is the altars of the country using the tribes within your country, so the question of knowing the number of tribes in your country and the functioning of those tribes is very important to know spiritually. So there are wars in various areas of your life that you encounter every day whose source is the altars of the country using the tribes within the country.

❌In what country do the altars of the gods in the country use in your country? Make sure that you fight in your prayers to end all the battles you encounter from the altars of the country because of the ethnic groups within the country.

                 FOURTH THING:

( 4 ) The altars of a country can close your life through vows made on those altars for the country in which you live .

1 Kings 8:31 Numbers 30: 2 Matthew 23:20

🔵 There are so many people in the country whose lives are bound by vows made and held in the country every day through the altars of the lands of the gods and those vows involve closing the country and because you live in the country you find yourself harmed and so the vows that take place daily secretly in your country, if you will not be the one to pray for the country and fight those altars you will find your life not thriving in the land due to the oaths of the land.

❌Do you fast every day at the altars of your country? Make sure you fight hard on the altars of your country every day in prayer and open your life and your life so that you can have a good life in the country where you live.

                 FIFTH FACTOR :

( 5 ) Offerings offered on the altars of the gods of our country can bind your life .

Ezra 3: 2 Psalm 118: 27 Judges 6: 11,25-26

There are people's lives in the country tied to sacrifices offered on the altars of the gods, and there are many people offering sacrifices on the altars of the land to close the country you live in and the lives of you citizens in the country, so make sure you fight this. the spirit world.

❌Are you praying to destroy every offering made on the altars of the gods of your country that closed your life? Make sure you open your life to those sacrifices on the altars of the world, and make sure that you are obedient and faithful in giving various offerings to the altar of God in Jesus Christ at all times so that through those sacrifices you offer to God that the altar of God can fight against those altars. lands of the gods.

✔️ We end here for today's seminar to meet tomorrow where we will look at the gate of your soul make sure you apply this lesson daily with your prayers. I also ask you to make sure you share these lessons with other people and other groups so that they will receive this Knowledge of God's Word.

Contact me at the following numbers:

Vodacom-MPESA +255 765 867574 (WhatsApp).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785

Tigo Pesa +255 673 784197

By Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

          Samuel Kibiriti .

May 23, 2021

@ Kibiriti2021

Welcome to the various Knowledge in the Books I have written of the Word of God.

4:47 AM

 Semina ya siku 30 ( Christ For All People Church-Mbeya ).


        Day 9 ya Semina.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Asifiwe Yesu Kristo rafiki yangu karibu katika semina ya siku ya leo.


Kumbukumbu la torati 12:1-4

Katika semina ya jana nilizungumza nawe mambo mawili kuhusu madhabahu za nchi zinavyohusika na maisha yako ndani ya nchi ya kila siku leo nataka nikuonyeshe mambo mengine twende pamoja.


Tuangalie aina nyingine za huo utendaji kazi;

                  JAMBO LA TATU:

( 3 ) Madhabahu za nchi zinaweza kupitisha vita kwako inayotokana na makabila yaliyomo ndani ya nchi.

Yona 1:8 Ufunuo 13:1-2,7 Habakuki 3:9 Zekaria 11:10 Ufunuo 5:9

Kuna vita ndani ya nchi ambazo chanzo chake ni madhabahu za nchi kwa kutumia makabila yaliyomo ndani ya nchi yenu, kwahiyo swala la kujua idadi za makabila yaliyomo ndani ya nchi yenu na utendaji kazi wa hayo makabila ni jambo la msingi sana kulijua kiroho. Kwahiyo kuna vita kwenye maeneo mbalimbali ya maisha yako unazokutana nazo kila siku ambazo chanzo chake ni madhabahu za nchi kutumia makabila yaliyomo ndani ya nchi.

❌Je katika nchi unayoishi hizo madhabahu za miungu zilizomo ndani ya nchi zinatumia vita gani za makabila kuja kwenye maisha yako? Hakikisha kwamba unapambana kwenye maombi yako kupangua vita vyote unavyokutana navyo kutoka kwenye madhabahu za nchi kwasababu ya makabila yaliyomo ndani ya nchi.

                 JAMBO LA NNE:

( 4 ) Madhabahu za nchi zinaweza kuyafunga maisha yako kupitia viapo vinavyofanywa kwenye hizo madhabahu kwaajili ya nchi unayoishi.

1Waflme 8:31  Hesabu 30:2 Mathayo 23:20

🔵 Kuna watu wengi sana katika nchi maisha yao yamefungwa na viapo vilivyofanyika na vinavyofanyika ndani ya nchi kila siku kupitia madhabahu za nchi za miungu na viapo hivyo vinahusisha kuifunga nchi na kwasababu wewe unaishi ndani ya nchi unajikuta unadhurika na hivyo viapo vinavyofanyika kila siku kwa siri katika nchi yenu, kama hutakuwa mtu wa kuiombea nchi na kupambana na hizo madhabahu utajikuta maisha yako hayastawi ukiwa ndani ya nchi kutokana na hivyo viapo vya nchi.

❌Je unajifunguaga kila siku katika viapo vya madhabahu za nchi yenu? Hakikisha unapambana sana na viapo vya madhabahu za nchi yenu kila siku kwa maombi na kuyafungua maisha yako na maisha yenu ili uweze kuwa na maisha mazuri katika nchi unayoishi.

                  JAMBO LA TANO:

( 5 ) Sadaka zinazotolewa kwenye madhabahu za miungu za nchi yetu zinaweza kuyafunga maisha yako.

Ezra 3:2  Zaburi 118:27 Waamuzi 6:11,25-26

Kuna maisha ya watu ndani ya nchi yamefungwa na sadaka zilizotolewa kwenye madhabahu za nchi za miungu, na kuna watu wengi wanatoa sadaka kwenye madhabahu za nchi ili kuifunga nchi unayoishi na maisha ya nyie wananchi mliomo ndani ya nchi, hivyo hakikisha kwamba unapambana na jambo hili kwenye ulimwengu wa roho.

❌Je unafanya maombi ya kuharibu kila sadaka zilizotolewa kwenye madhabahu za miungu za nchi yenu zilizofunga maisha yako? Hakikisha unayafungua maisha yako kwenye hizo sadaka katika hizo madhabahu za nchi, pia hakikisha kwamba unakuwa mtiifu na mwaminifu katika kutoa Sadaka mbalimbali kwenye madhabahu ya Mungu katika Yesu Kristo kila wakati ili kupitia sadaka hizo unazotoa kwa Mungu hiyo madhabahu ya Mungu iweze kupambana na hizo madhabahu za nchi za miungu.

✔️ Tunaishia hapa kwa semina ya leo tukutane siku ya kesho ambapo tutaliangalia lango la Nafsi yako hakikisha kwamba unafanyia kazi somo hili kila siku kwa maombi yako. Nakuomba pia hakikisha unawashirikisha watu wengine na magroup mengine masomo haya ili wapokee Maarifa haya ya Neno la Mungu.

Kwa mawasiliano nami utanipata kwa namba hizi:

Vodacom +255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel +255 785 855785

Tigo +255 673 784197

Kwa Email address ni

Mimi ni Mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa

          Samwel Kibiriti.

Mei 23, 2021


Karibu upokee Maarifa mbalimbali kwenye Vitabu nilivyoandika vya Neno la Mungu.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

11:36 PM

 30-day seminar (Christ For All People Church- Mbeya).


        Day 8 of the Seminar

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Praise be to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, let us unite in today's seminar. 


Deuteronomy 12: 1-4

Having finished asking you 5 questions about the gate of the country you live in and guiding you how to pray in relation to your country I believe you have worked on those questions, today and tomorrow I want to pass you on in this matter of the altars of the country how they were involved in closing your life. There are millions of citizens in the country whose lives are confined to local altars.

The altars of the country are very much involved in capturing and imprisoning the lives of the people in the country because when you live in the spiritual world those altars have the right to arrest and imprison you if you do not know how to pray. And many countries in the world carry altars of the gods and not the altars of the living God in Jesus Christ, and because Christians have failed to build an altar to God wherever they live and work they have found their daily lives controlled spiritually by the altars of the countries in which they live.

You yourself are a witness there are so many things in your life that don't go the way you want and what God intended you to do because of those altars of the world, you work, you farm, you raise livestock, you study etc. but when you do an assessment you find things don't go very fast. by prayer, so realize that living in a land with altars to the gods will cause you great distress in your daily life.


Let me show you a few spiritual things about the functioning of the altars of the nations involved in capturing and closing them and destroying your life. And because many Christians do not have a good relationship with the altar of God but have a good relationship with their church buildings they have found themselves attacked for life by the altars of the gods of the world without getting much help from the altar of God in Jesus Christ.

                 FIRST THING :

( 1 ) The altars of the country are responsible for your work in the country .

Psalm 104: 23 Judges 6: 11-32 Ecclesiastes 3: 13,22 Revelation 16: 7

I want you to know that the altars of the country where you live spiritually are very much related to your handicrafts that you do in the country as well as your works that you do in the country and this is something most people who live in the country do not realize but that is true. of the gods in your country that is why you do not get much benefit from your handicrafts but you continue to do it because you have no way of living if you do not do it even if you do not get the right profit.

There are many people in the country whose handicrafts they do every day are held and closed by the altars of the countries in which they live and thus instead of work being part of their happiness the work has turned and slavery to them is what you hear someone say this work is very tiring or I do not see this work any benefit to do with my employment or this job only hurts me even though I do it. All of this is due to the functioning of the altars in your country.

❌ To what extent have the altars of your country been involved in torturing you in your handicrafts? Make sure you go into the power of prayer to deal with the altars of the gods of the gods that have closed your handiwork that you do in the country and then open your handiwork in that country and after that make sure the area where you do your handiwork you build God Altar there of the hands and the altar of the living God in Jesus Christ then you will see your benefits and prosperity in life through those handicrafts you do in the world.

              SECOND THING :

( 2 ) The altars of the land can control you in living and serving your Purpose of Life .

Romans 9:11, Ephesians 1: 4 Genesis 11: 31-32, 12: 1-4

🔵 In the country you live in I want you to know that the altars of your gods in the spirit world have a large percentage to control you in living and serving God's purpose to create you and bring you here on earth, that's why look in your life if you live in purpose. your creation. Most people in the country are not in their creative purpose but they are living life without purpose which is why the cry of life being difficult does not live in their mouths.

When God created you He closed your life into your purpose of creation and when He brought you to earth God intended you to live that life for the rest of your life but unfortunately there are many things involved in keeping your purpose in the presence of the altar of the land you live in now instead of living your real life. today you are living a life that photocopy that is not yours is where now suffering and anxiety have become part of your life because you are out of your God-created purpose.

❌ To what extent have the altars of your country of origin adhered to your purpose of being created by God? Do you live and serve God's purpose for your life in the country you are in? Make sure you enter into a powerful prayer in beating down all the altars of the gods of the gods that held your creation purpose, command them to release you and let go of your purpose and also make sure you open your creation purpose on those altars of the land, and the creative purpose of your children and parents by the blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus Christ in the earth.

To find out more about your creative purpose find my book I HAVE CALLED THE THINGS CARRIED INTO YOUR GOD'S CREATION PURPOSE in the books I have taught you a great deal about the purpose is Tsh 5,000 (Five Thousand) almost get your own copy.

✔️ For today our seminar ends here let's meet tomorrow for the seminar where I will show you another performance of the altars of the country you live about your daily life in that country. I beg you to help me share these lessons with others and God will bless you for making this ministry so that more people will not continue to suffer and receive this knowledge of God's Word, send the lesson as it is without removing anything.

Contact me at the following numbers:

Vodacom +255 765 867574 (WhatsApp).

Airtel +255 785 855785

Tigo +255 673 784197

By Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

         Samuel Kibiriti .

May 22, 2021

@ Kibiriti2021

Let's meet at tomorrow's seminar where God will serve us again as He did for you today.

11:20 PM

 Semina ya siku 30 ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


        Day 8 ya Semina

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Asifiwe Yesu Kristo mwana wa Mungu karibu tuungane katika semina ya siku ya leo. 


Kumbukumbu 12:1-4

Baada ya kumaliza kukuuliza maswali 5 kuhusu lango la nchi unayoishi na kukuongoza jinsi ya kuomba kuhusiana na nchi yenu naamini kwamba umefanyia kazi yale maswali, leo na kesho nataka nikupitishe katika jambo hili la madhabahu za nchi jinsi zilivyohusika kuyafunga maisha yako. Kuna mamilion ya wananchi waliomo ndani ya nchi ambao maisha yao yamefungwa katika madhabahu zilizomo ndani ya nchi.

Madhabahu za nchi zimehusika sana kuyakamata na kuyafunga maisha ya watu waliomo ndani ya nchi kwasababu unapoishi katika nchi kiroho hizo madhabahu ziko na uhalali kukukamata na kukufunga kama hutajua jinsi ya kuomba. Na nchi nyingi duniani zimebeba madhabahu za miungu wala sio madhabahu za Mungu aliye hai katika Yesu Kristo, na kwasababu wakristo wameshindwa kumjengea Mungu madhabahu kila mahali wanapoishi na kufanya kazi wamejikuta maisha yao ya kila siku yanadhibitiwa kiroho na hizo madhabahu za nchi wanazoishi.

Wewe mwenyewe ni shahidi kuna mambo mengi sana kwenye maisha yako hayaendi vile unavyotamani na vile Mungu alivyokukusudia yaende kwasababu ya hizo madhabahu za nchi, unafanya kazi, unalima, unafuga mifugo, unasoma n.k lakini ukifanya tathimini unakuta mambo hayaendi kwa haraka yanaenda taratibu sana hadi ulazimishe sana kwa maombi, hivyo tambua kwamba kuishi katika nchi yenye madhabahu za miungu utapata shida sana katika maisha yako ya kila siku.


Ngoja nikuonyeshe mambo machache ya kiroho kuhusu utendaji kazi wa madhabahu za nchi zinavyohusika na kuyakamata na kuyafunga na kuyaharibu maisha yako. Na kwasababu wakristo wengi hawana mahusiano mazuri na madhabahu ya Mungu ila wako na mahusiano mazuri na majengo yao ya makanisa wamejikuta watu wa kushambuliwa kimaisha na madhabahu za miungu za nchi pasipo kupata msaada mkubwa sana kutoka  kwenye madhabahu ya Mungu katika Yesu Kristo.

                 JAMBO LA KWANZA:

( 1 ) Madhabahu za nchi zinahusika na kazi zako unazofanya ndani ya nchi.

Zaburi 104:23 Waamuzi 6:11-32 Mhubiri 3:13,22 Ufunuo 16:7

Nataka utambue kwamba madhabahu za nchi unayoishi kiroho zinahusika sana na kazi zako za mikono unazozifanya ndani ya nchi pia na kazi zenu mnazozifanya ndani ya nchi na jambo hili watu wengi mnaoishi katika nchi hamlitambui lakini huo ndio ukweli kazi zako unazofanya ndani ya nchi zimeshikiliwa kiroho na madhabahu za miungu zilizomo ndani ya nchi yenu ndio maana hakuna faida kubwa unayoipata katika kazi zako za mikono ila unaendelea kufanya kwasababu huna namna yoyote ya kuishi usipozifanya hata kama haupati faida inayoshahili.

Wako watu wengi ndani ya nchi kazi zao za mikono wanazofanya kila siku zimeshikiliwa na kufungwa na madhabahu za nchi walizomo na hivyo kusababisha badala ya kazi kuwa sehemu ya furaha kwao kazi zimegeuka na kuwa utumwa kwao ndio unasikia mtu akisema hii kazi inanichosha sana au hii kazi sioni faida yoyote ya kufanya pamoja na kuajiliwa kwangu au hii kazi inajitesa tu ingawa naifanya. Haya yote yanasababishwa na utendaji kazi wa hizo madhabahu zilizomo ndani ya nchi yenu.

❌ Je madhabahu za nchi yenu zimehusika kwa kiwango gani kukutesa katika kazi zako za mikono? Hakikisha unaingia katika maombi ya nguvu kuzishughulikia madhabahu za nchi za miungu zilizofunga kazi zako za mikono unazozifanya ndani ya nchi kisha fungua kazi zako za mikono katika hiyo nchi na baada ya hapo hakikisha eneo unalofanyia kazi zako za mikono unamjengea Mungu Madhabahu yake hapo na kuziunganisha kazi zako za mikono na madhabahu ya Mungu aliye hai katika Yesu Kristo ndipo utaona faida na kustawi kwako kimaisha kupitia hizo kazi za mikono unazofanya katika nchi.

              JAMBO LA PILI:

( 2 ) Madhabahu za nchi zinaweza kukudhibiti katika kuliishi na kulitumikia Kusudi lako la Maisha.

Warumi 9:11, Waefeso 1:4 Mwanzo 11:31-32, 12:1-4

🔵 Katika nchi unayoishi nataka ujue kwamba hizo madhabahu za nchi yenu za miungu katika ulimwengu wa roho zimehusika kwa asilimia kubwa sana kukudhibiti katika kuliishi na kulitumikia kusudi la Mungu la kukuumba wewe na kukuleta hapa duniani, ndio maana angalia katika maisha yako kama uaishi ndani ya kusudi lako la uumbaji. Watu wengi ndani ya nchi hawako kwenye kusudi lao la uumbaji ila wanaishi maisha wakiwa nje ya kusudi ndio maana kilio cha maisha kuwa magumu hakiishi katika vinywa vyao.

Maisha yako Mungu alipokuumba aliyafunga ndani ya kusudi lako la uumbaji na alipokuleta hapa duniani Mungu amekusudia uweze kuyaishi hayo maisha yako kwa kipindi utakachokuwepo duniani ila kwa bahati mbaya kuna mambo mengi yemehusika kulishika kusudi lako yakiwepo madhabahu ya nchi unayoishi ndio sasa badala ya kuyaishi maisha yako halisi leo unaishi maisha photocopy yasiyokuwa yako ndio hapo sasa kuteseka na kuhangaika kumekuwa sehemu ya maisha yako kwasababu uko nje ya kusudi lako la kuumbwa na Mungu.

❌ Je madhabahu za nchi yako unayoishi zimeshikilia kusudi lako la kuumbwa na Mungu kwa kiwango gani? Je unaishi na kulitumikia kusudi la Mungu kwenye maisha yako ndani ya nchi uliyopo? Hakikisha unaingia kwenye maombi ya nguvu katika kuzipiga madhabahu zote za nchi za miungu zilizoshikilia kusudi lako la uumbaji, ziamuru zikuachilie na kuachia kusudi lako na pia hakikisha unalifungua kusudi lako la uumbaji kwenye hizo madhabahu za nchi, na kusudi la uumbaji la watoto na wazazi wako lifungue kwa damu ya Yesu na jina la Yesu Kristo katika nchi.

Kufahamu mambo mengi kuhusu Kusudi lako la uumbaji tafuta kitabu changu nilichoandika kiitwacho VITU VILIVYOBEBWA NDANI YA KUSUDI LAKO LA KUUBWA NA MUNGU ndani ya vitabu nimefundisha maarifa makubwa sana kuhusu kusudi ni Tsh 5,000 ( Elfu Tano ) karibu ujipatie Nakala yako.

✔️ Kwa leo semina yetu inaishia hapa tukutane siku ya kesho ya semina ambapo nitakuonyesha utendaji mwingine wa madhabahu za nchi unayoishi kuhusu maisha yako ya kila siku katika hiyo nchi. Nakuomba sana nisaidie kuwashirikisha watu wengine masomo haya na Mungu atakubariki kwa kuifanya huduma hii ili watu wengi wasiendelee kuteseka wapokee maarifa haya ya Neno la Mungu, ulitume somo kama lilivyo bila kuondoa chochote.

Kwa mawasiliano nami utanipata kwa namba hizi:

Vodacom +255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel +255 785 855785

Tigo +255 673 784197

Kwa Email address ni

Mimi ni Mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa

         Samwel Kibiriti.

Mei 22, 2021


Tukutane katika semina ya siku ya kesho ambapo Mungu atatuhudumia tena kama alivyokuhudumia siku ya leo.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

5:09 AM

 30-day seminar (Christ For All People Church- Mbeya).


         Day 7 of the Seminar.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, may the Son of God continue with our seminar.


Matthew 12:40 Nahum 3:13 Jonah 1: 8

In yesterday's seminar we looked at the Second question and today I would like to introduce you to other questions about the country you live in;

                 QUESTION THREE :

( 3 ) What are the gates of your country passing and importing into the country? .

Nahum 3:13 Lamentations 4:12 Nehemiah 13:19

I want to ask you in the gates of your country what they pass through and import what things in the country and the lives of citizens? Many of the gates of the world, if you pursue them spiritually, bring in very bad things for the country and these things have closed the lives of the people living in the country, and the church is asleep and does not pray for the gates of the country. the day you pray for the gates of your land before God.

Make sure you hand over the gates of your country to God so that Satan and his enemies will not be able to use them and close the country and your lives, citizens.

                QUESTION FOUR :

( 4 ) Who is your country spiritually? .

2 Samuel 3:12 Psalm 33:12 2 Kings 17: 24-276

Who owns the country in which you live spiritually? I know you have never wondered and pondered this question and its consequences you live in a world you do not know who you are spiritually and as a result your spiritual landlord has been guiding your life even if you do not want to. As you trace into the spirit world many foreign gods are not the lands of God in Jesus Christ and you live in a land that belongs to the gods.

Contemplate this notion as you interact with your neighbors. The question is not to be born in a country or to have a citizenship ID I want you to know that in the spirit world the country can be God or gods, so make sure you go into prayer and pray for your country and deliver it into the hands of the devil / gods and then enter the country into God's hands so that God can take care of your country and your daily life.

             QUESTION FIVE :

( 5 ) What are the presidential seats in your country carrying for the country? .

2 Samuel 21: 1 Hebrews 4:16

The presidential seat in the country contains various spiritual things I want to ask you in the country where you live what the chair of your presidency is carrying for the country and your life? I want you to know that there is a difference between the President and the presidency because the president at the end of his term of office leaves but the presidency still remains in your country.

How many people who live in the country realize what your presidential seat is carrying? As you trace the many problems in the country and the lives of the people that afflict them from generation to generation that occur in the presidency of their country. The church does not have a system for praying for the presidency before God and as a result the country through difficult times I ask you to pray earnestly for the presidency in your country and to remove all unworthy things carried in your presidency and hand over the presidency under God's rule. .

You may have a good president with a very big vision for your country and your life but spiritually he was hindered by the things in the presidency that he uses to rule that is why I urge you to make sure you pray for the presidency in your country.

✔️ For today I ask you to reflect on these questions about your country and pray before God, to meet us tomorrow where we will still continue with this area of ​​the country. Help me share these lessons with others and in the other groups you are in.

Contact me at the following numbers:

Vodacom M-PESA + 255 765 867574 (WhatsApp).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785.

Tigo Money +255 673 784197.

By Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

         Samuel Kibiriti .

May 21, 2021

Mbeya Tanzania.

@ Kibiriti2021

Welcome to tomorrow's seminar where we will continue to receive knowledge of God's Word

Monday, June 7, 2021

9:41 PM
Semina ya siku 30 ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


         Day 7 ya Semina.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Bwana Yesu Kristo asifiwe karibu mwana wa Mungu tuendelee na semina yetu.


Mathayo 12:40  Nahumu 3:13  Yona 1:8

Katika semina ya siku ya jana tuliangalia swali la Pili naomba leo nikupitishe katika maswali mengine kuhusu nchi unayoishi;

                 SWALI LA TATU:

( 3 ) Malango ya nchi yenu yanapitisha na kuingiza vitu gani katika nchi?.

Nahumu 3:13  Maombolezo 4:12 Nehemia 13:19

Nataka nikuulize katika malango ya nchi yenu yanapitisha na kuingiza vitu gani katika nchi na maisha ya wananchi? Malango mengi ya nchi ukiyafuatilia rohoni yanaingiza vitu vibaya sana kwaajili ya nchi na vitu hivyo vimeyafunga maisha ya wananchi wanaoishi katika nchi, na kanisa limelala haliombei malango ya nchi na hivyo maadui hupitisha vitu vyao vya uovu katika nchi, nakuomba wewe kanisa amka na uhakikishe kwamba kila siku unayaombea malango ya nchi yenu mbele za Mungu.

Hakikisheni mnayakabidhi malango ya nchi yenu kwa Mungu ili Shetani na maadui wasiweze kuyatumia na kuifunga nchi na maisha yenu wananchi.

                SWALI LA NNE:

( 4 ) Je nchi yenu niya nani kiroho?.

2Samwel 3:12  Zaburi 33:12 2Waflme 17:24-276

Nchi unayoishi niya nani kiroho? Najua hujawahi kujiuliza na kutafakari hili swali na matokeoa yake unaishi katika nchi usiyojua niya nani kiroho na matokeo yake mwenye nchi yenu rohoni amekuwa anayaongoza maisha yako hata kama hutaki. Unapofuatilia kwenye ulimwengu wa roho nchi nyingi niza miungu migeni sio nchi za Mungu katika Yesu Kristo na kuishi katika nchi ambayo niya miungu utambue wazi kwamba hiyo miungu ndio itakayohusika na nchi na maisha ya wananchi waliomo ndani yake.

Tafakari sana hili swali je nchi yenu niya nani kiroho? Swala sio kuzaliwa katika nchi au kuwa na kitambulisho cha uraia nataka ujue kwamba katika ulimwengu wa roho nchi inaweza kuwa ya Mungu au miungu, hivyo hakikisha kwamba mnaingia kwenye maombi na kuiombea sana nchi yenu na kuitoa kwenye mikono ya shetani/miungu na kisha kuingiza nchi kwenye mikono ya Mungu ili Mungu aweze kuisimamia nchi yenu na maisha yenu wananchi ya kila siku.

             SWALI LA TANO:

( 5 ) Je kiti cha Urais katika nchi yenu kimebeba vitu gani kwaajili ya nchi?.

2Samwel 21:1  Waebrania 4:16

Kiti cha urais katika nchi kimebeba vitu mbalimbali vya kiroho nataka nikuulize katika nchi unayoishi kile kiti cha urais wenu kimebeba vitu gani kwaajili ya nchi na maisha yenu? Nataka ujue kwamba kuna tofauti ya Rais na kiti cha Urais kwasababu rais akimaliza muda wake wa uongozi huondoka ila kiti cha urais bado kinabakia katika nchi yenu.

Ni watu wangapi ambao mnaoishi katika nchi mnatambua kiti chenu cha urais kimebeba vitu gani? Unapofuatilia matatizo mengi katika nchi na maisha ya wananchi yanayowatesa toka kizazi hadi kizazi yako yanayotokea katika kiti cha urais cha nchi yao. Kanisa halina utaratibu wa kuombea kiti cha urais mbele za Mungu na matokeo yake nchi kupitia nyakati ngumu nakuomba uwe unakiombea sana kiti cha urais katika nchi yenu na kupangua vitu vyote visivyofaa vilivyobebwa katika kiti cha urais wenu na kukabidhi hicho kiti cha urais chini ya utawala wa Mungu.

Mnaweza kuwa na rais mzuri mwenye maono makubwa sana kwaajili ya nchi yenu na maisha yenu lakini kiroho akakwamishwa na vitu vilivyopo kwenye kiti cha urais anachokitumia kutawala ndio maana nasisitiza kwamba hakikisheni mnakiombea sana kiti cha urais katika nchi yenu.

✔️ Kwa siku ya leo naomba utafakari maswali haya kuhusu nchi yenu na kuomba mbele za Mungu, tukutane siku ya kesho ambapo bado tutaendelea na eneo hili la nchi. Nisaidie kuwashirikisha wengine masomo haya na kwenye magroup mengine uliyopo.

Kwa mawasiliano nami utanipata kwa namba hizi:

Vodacom M-PESA+255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785.

Tigo Money +255 673 784197.

Kwa Email address ni

Mimi ni Mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa

          Samwel Kibiriti.

Mei 21, 2021

Mbeya Tanzania.


Karibu katika semina ya siku ya kesho ambapo tutaendelea kupokea maarifa ya Neno la Mungu.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

11:25 PM

 30-day seminar (Christ For All People Church- Mbeya).


         Day 6 of the Seminar.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Praise be to Jesus Christ the Son of God almost in today's seminar we continue to learn about the gate of the land.


Matthew 12:40 Nahum 3:13 Jonah 1: 8

In yesterday's seminar we studied the first question about the State today to look at another question;

           QUESTION TWO :

( 2 ) In which country are there altars to which god? .

Judges 6: 25-26

Every country you see in the world has different altars in it and the altars within the country are responsible for a large percentage of capturing the country and capturing the lives of you citizens who live in that country. If you look at many countries you will see that they have built altars of the gods and not the altars of the living God in Jesus Christ, and those altars of the gods are tormenting the spiritual people of that country even if you do not know it.

The altars of many countries you see are built on regional roads in the Round About areas as well as in the offices of the governors and districts there are altars built and erected there, also in the mountains there are altars and in museums there are altars placed inside those museums etc and The altars of the many gods are in the form of idols, but in the spirit world they are not idols but the altars of the gods and the people.


( A ) The gods in your country worship the altars of which god? .

( 1 Kings 12:20; 25-30) (2 Kings 13: 1-6; 21: 1-7) (2 Kings 22: 1-2 ).

I want to ask you this question the various leaders in your country from the highest levels to the lower levels worship the altars of which god? God in Jesus Christ or gods? A very large percentage of the leaders in the country do not worship at the altar of God in Jesus Christ but worship at the altars of the gods, and the act of your countrymen worshiping at the altars of the gods causes those altars of the gods to be associated with your country and your life. citizens living in the country.

So you should pray earnestly for God to change the hearts of your leaders not to worship the gods but to worship God so that your country and your life will not be held by the altars of the gods.

( B ) What spirits come from the altars of your country? .

Revelation 8: 1-3; 14:18

🔴 Every altar has a spirit now the question comes to the country where you live what kind of spirits do the altars of your country carry? I want you to know that the spirits carried inside the altars of the country are responsible for your daily life in the country so if the altars of your country are carrying dark spirits you know that the country will be bound by the dark spirits and your life citizens will be tormented by those dark spirits in your life.

Make sure that you enter into prayer to open your life and the life of your family that is bound to the altars of the land and the spirits of the altars, otherwise you will continue to suffer in the land from the spirits that are in the altars of your country spiritually.

( C ) What do the altars in your country say spiritually about your country and your life? .

Revelation 16: 7; 9: 13-14 1 Kings 13: 1-3

🔵 The Bible is clear that the altars speak now and I ask you the question what are the altars in your country talking about in the spirit? There are many negative things that are said every day on the altars of your country that is why you find in the spirit world things become very difficult for you due to the sounds that come from the altars in your country.

Make sure you go into prayer and fight against the altars of the land and then close all the voices and inappropriate words that come from the altars of your gods' gods because if you do not pray to silence those altars your spiritual condition will not remain the same. Also connect with God's altar so that it will stand with you in your daily life.

( D ) Are the altars within your country serving its people? .

Numbers 13:32

There are altars in the country that eat up its people who are in the country, that is why there are deaths that occur in countries that lack human response and those deaths occur in accidents, diseases, quarrels etc. and the source of those deaths are altars to the gods of the country. they have risen up and eaten up the people. Not every death you see in your country is the will of God.

🔶 Make sure you fight the altars of the country and open your life and your life every day.

✔️ Today ponder this question and work on prayer every day and tomorrow we will see the third question about the gate of the country. Please help me to share these lessons with others every day of the Seminar so that they too may receive Knowledge and receive answers from God.

By contacting me you will find me at these numbers, you can also thank God for your offerings through this Seminar.

Vodacom M-PESA +255 765 867574 (WhatsApp).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785

Tigo Money +255 673 784197

By Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

          Samuel Kibiriti .

May 20, 2021

Mbeya Tanzania.

@ Kibiriti2021

Let's meet tomorrow for the seminar.

12:04 PM

 Semina ya siku 30 ( Christ For All People Church- Mbeya ).


         Day 6 ya Semina.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

Asifiwe Yesu Kristo mwana wa Mungu karibu katika semina ya siku ya leo tunaendelea kujifunza kuhusu lango la nchi.


Mathayo 12:40  Nahumu 3:13  Yona 1:8

Katika semina ya jana tulijifunza swali la kwanza kuhusu Nchi leo tuangalie swali lingine;

            SWALI LA PILI:

( 2 ) Je katika nchi kuna madhabahu za mungu yupi?.

Waamuzi 6:25-26

Kila nchi unayoiona duniani iko na madhabahu mbalimbali zilizomo ndani yake na madhabahu zilizomo ndani ya nchi zinahusika kwa asilimia kubwa kuikamata nchi na kuyakamata maisha ya nyie wananchi mnaoishi katika hiyo nchi. Ukifuatilia nchi nyingi utaziona zimejengwa madhabahu za miungu wala sio madhabahu za Mungu aliye hai katika Yesu Kristo, na hizo madhabahu za miungu zinawatesa wananchi kiroho wa hiyo nchi hata kama hamjui.

Madhabahu za nchi nyingi unaziona zimejengwa katika barabara za mikoa kwenye maeneo ya Round About pia katika ofisi za wakuu wa mikoa na wilaya ziko madhabahu zilizojengwa na kusimamishwa huko, pia katika milima ziko madhabahu na katika majumba ya makumbusho kuna madhabahu zimewekwa ndani ya hizo makumbusho n.k na madhabahu hizo za miungu nyingi zinamfano wa sanamu lakini katika ulimwengu wa roho sio sanamu bali ni madhabahu kabisa za miungu na watu hufanya mambo ya kiibada za miungu maeneo hayo.


( A ) Viongozi katika nchi yenu wanaziabudu madhabahu za mungu yupi?.

( 1Wafalme 12:20; 25-30 ) ( 2Wafalme 13:1-6; 21:1-7 ) ( 2Wafalme 22:1-2 ).

Nataka nikuulize swali hili viongozi mbalimbali katika nchi yenu kutoka ngazi za juu hadi ngazi za chini wanaziabudu madhabahu za mungu yupi? Mungu katika Yesu Kristo au miungu? Asilimia kubwa sana za viongozi waliomo ndani ya nchi hawaabudu katika madhabahu ya Mungu katika Yesu Kristo bali huabudu katika madhabahu za miungu, na kitendo hicho cha viongozi wenu wa nchi kuabudu kwenye madhabahu za miungu husababisha hizo madhabahu za miungu zihusike na nchi yenu na maisha ya nyie wananchi mnaoishi katika nchi.

Hivyo unatakiwa kumuomba sana Mungu aigeuze mioyo ya viongozi wako isiwe inaabudu miungu bali iwe inamuabudu yeye Mungu ili nchi yenu na maisha yenu yasiweze kushikiliwa na madhabahu za miungu.

( B ) Je ni roho gani zinazotoka kwenye madhabahu za nchi yenu?.

Ufunuo 8:1-3; 14:18

🔴 Kila madhabahu ziko na roho sasa swali linakuja katika nchi unayoishi hizo madhabahu za nchi yenu zimebeba roho za aina gani? Nataka ujue kwamba roho zilizobebwa ndani ya madhabahu za nchi zinahusika na maisha yenu ya kila siku katika nchi hivyo kama madhabahu za nchi yenu zimebeba roho za giza ujue kwamba nchi itakuwa imefungwa na roho za giza na maisha yenu wananchi mtakuwa mnateswa na roho hizo za giza kwenye maisha yenu.

Hakikisha kwamba unaingia kwenye maombi kuyafungua maisha yako na maisha ya familia yako/yenu yaliyofungwa kwenye madhabahu za nchi na hizo roho za madhabahu, usipofanya hivyo utaendelea kuteseka katika nchi kutokana na hizo roho zilizomo ndani ya madhabahu za nchi yenu kiroho.

( C ) Madhabahu zilizomo ndani ya nchi yenu zinaongea nini rohoni kuhusu nchi yenu na maisha yenu?.

Ufunuo 16:7; 9:13-14  1Wafalme 13:1-3

🔵 Biblia iko wazi kwamba madhabahu zinaongea sasa nakuuliza swali hizo madhabahu zilizoko ndani ya nchi yenu zinaongea nini rohoni? Kuna mambo mengi yasiyofaa ambayo kila siku yanatamkwa kwenye hizo madhabahu za nchi yenu ndio maana unakuta kwenye ulimwengu wa roho mambo yanakuwa magumu sana kwako kutokana na sauti ambazo zinatoka kwenye madhabahu zilizomo ndani ya nchi yenu.

Hakikisha unaingia kwenye maombi na kupambana na madhabahu za nchi kisha funga kila sauti na maneno yasiyofaa yanayotoka kwenye madhabahu za nchi yenu za miungu kwasababu usipofanya maombi ya kuzinyamazisha hizo madhabahu hali yako ya kiroho haiwezi kukaa sawa. Pia jiungamanishe na madhabahu ya Mungu ili isimame pamoja nawe katika maisha yako ya kila siku.

( D ) Madhabahu zilizomo ndani ya nchi yenu je haziwali watu wake wa nchi?.

Hesabu 13:32

Kuna madhabahu ambazo zimo ndani ya nchi zinazokula watu wake waliomo ndani ya nchi, ndio maana kuna vifo ambavyo hutokea katika nchi vinavyokosa majibu ya kibinadamu na vifo hivyo hutokea katika ajali, magonjwa, ugomvi n.k na chanzo cha vifo hivyo huwa madhabahu za miungu za nchi kumbe zimeinuka na kula watu. Sio kila vifo unavyoviona katika nchi yenu ni mapenzi ya Mungu hapana vingi tu ni matokeo ya kuwepo madhabahu za miungu katika nchi na ndizo zinazokula watu katika nchi.

🔶 Hakikisha kwamba unapambana na madhabahu za nchi na kuyafungua maisha yako na maisha yenu kila siku.

✔️ Kwa leo tafakari swali hili na kufanyia kazi kwa maombi kila siku na siku ya kesho tutaona swali la tatu kuhusu lango la nchi. Nakuomba unisaidie kuwashirikisha wengine masomo haya kila siku ya Semina ili nao wapokee Maarifa na kupokea majibu toka kwa Mungu.

Kwa mawasiliano nami utanipata kwa namba hizi, pia unaweza kumshukuru Mungu kwa sadaka zako kupitia Semina hii.

Vodacom M-PESA +255 765 867574 ( WhatsApp ).

Airtel Money +255 785 855785

Tigo Pesa +255 673 784197

Kwa Email address ni

Mimi ni Mwalimu wa Neno la Mungu la Maarifa

          Samwel Kibiriti.

Mei 20, 2021

Mbeya Tanzania.


Tukutane siku ya kesho ya semina.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

11:29 AM

 30-day seminar (Christ For All People Church- Mbeya).


         Day 5 of the Seminar.

Senior Pastor Samwel Kibiriti.

May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified the Son of God almost in today's Seminar where we want to learn this;


Matthew 12:40 Nahum 3:13 Jonah 1: 8

Today I want us to start the journey to learn about the gateway to the country where you live where there are several things I need to talk to you for 4 consecutive days. There are many people whose lives are locked in the gates of their countries where they live there are also many countries going through difficult circumstances due to what is going on in their gates of the country, I believe there is a great deal of insight you will gain through these studies.


Each country has its own spiritual gates and the gates between countries differ in its operation, now I want us to learn this lesson in this questionnaire, where every day we will be studying one question and finding the answer, let's go together;

              QUESTION 1 :

( 1 ) How does the heart of your country work spiritually? .

         Proverbs 4:23

🔴 Every country has its own spiritual heart according to Matthew 12:40 now I want to ask you how does the heart of your country work spiritually? As the heart of the country works its results will be seen in the country and in the lives of the people. Many people do not pray for the heart of the country every day because they do not know the spiritual significance and importance of the heart of the country. Listen to the heart of the country is the essence of the life of the country, so if the heart of the country is in trouble know that the country and you citizens can not sit still.

( A ) What kind of thoughts and spirits do your country carry? .

Jeremiah 4:14 Matthew 15:19

🔵 I want to ask you this question, what kind of thoughts and spirits do you carry in the heart of your country? The ideas carried in the heart of the country are what you will see working in the leaders and citizens as well as the spirit in the heart of your country know that it is the spirit that will work in the country and its systems, so those resistant spirits you see in your country your country so you must fight them in the heart of your country and pull them out of there then you will see even in countries they lack power.

( B ) Who is holding the heart of your country spiritually? .

1Kings 11: 4 Proverbs 21: 1

Who held the heart of your country spiritually? You can live in a country thinking the heart of your country is safe but in the spirit you are possessed by the devil / gods and you think that the country will be safe and successful that is not possible. One of the reasons many countries suffer and citizens live a hard life every day is due to the effects of the heart of the country being held by the gods instead of being held by God in Jesus Christ.

🔶 Listen and let me tell you that the one who holds the heart of your country spiritually is the one who decides what your country can do because the heart is the essence of the life of the country. The church is very much required to pray for the heart of the country and entrust it to the hands of the living God in Jesus Christ so that the country and the lives of the people may be in line with God's purpose. you will not be able to meet the standards of life that God has ordained for you in the land and your country will continue to go through difficult times and various problems.

( C ) What kind of war is the heart of the country carrying for the country? .

Numbers 10: 9 Isaiah 40: 2 Exodus 17: 14-16

The heart of the country is at war and there are different kinds of wars being fought in the heart of the country and other wars are not good to be fought in the heart of the country because they have a serious impact on the country and the daily life of the people.

✔️ The heart of a country carrying an economic war will find you in a country and citizens are going through that economic war and economic prosperity.

✔️ The heart of a country carrying a war of diseases will find you in a country and citizens are fighting hard against diseases that afflict them without finding a comprehensive solution. 

✔️ If the heart of the country is at war with magic you will find yourself in the country and the lives of the people are being tortured and severely attacked by those magical spirits in your life.

✔️ The heart of the world can carry on a war of attrition against God's purpose so you will see the world do not stand in God's purpose and even the people will see you do not stand in your creative purpose because that war controls them to ensure that they do not stand in God's purpose.

❌What kind of war is the heart of your country carrying? Understand that the war carried out in the heart of the country is what you will see tormenting the country and torturing the people in their spiritual and physical life, so the church must fight hard against the internal war whose source is hell and ensure that your country is not burdened with those dark wars because they will afflict you from generation to generation in the land.

Contemplate this First Question today and the 3 elements in the question and make sure you apply what God has said to you about the heart of the country in which you live. Let's meet tomorrow where I will ask you a Second question about the Gateway to the country where you live, and ask you to share this lesson with other people and in other groups so that they too can receive this knowledge.

For more information contact me at these numbers:

Vodacom +255 765 867574 (WhatsApp).

Airtel +255 785 855785.

Tigo +255 673 784197.

By Email address is

I am a Teacher of God's Word of Knowledge

           Samuel Kibiriti .

May 19, 2021

Mbeya Tanzania.

@ Kibiriti2021

( I am teaching this seminar in a church here in Mbeya region in the town of Uyole Kati, most recently residents of Mbeya every day from 9-12 PM ).

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